Level 3
60% of the sweets in Packet A were blueberry sweets and the rest were strawberry sweets. Packet B had 25% more blueberry sweets than packet A and twice as many sweets than the total number of sweets in Packet A. Find the percentage of the strawberry sweets in Packet B that would need to be transferred into Packet A, so that there were an equal number of blueberry and strawberry sweets in Packet A.
4 m
Level 3
Nera and Rose shared a bag of marbles. Nera had 40% as many marbles as Rose. When Rose gave 75 marbles to Nera, Nera had 40% more marbles than Rose. Find the total number of marbles the girls shared.
4 m
Level 3
The number of safety cones along the road was 55% of the number of trees planted along it. After 68 safety cones and 68 trees were added to the stretch of road, the number of trees became 20% more than the number of safety cones. How many trees were there at first?
4 m
Level 3
Four years ago, Will's age was 25% of Ray's age. Eight years from their current age, Will's age will be 37.5% of Ray's age. How many years is Ray older than Will?
4 m
Level 3
Faith baked a total of 350 muffins and puffs. After giving away 80% of the puffs and 75% of the muffins, she was left with twice as many puffs as muffins. Find the number of puffs Faith gave away.
4 m