Level 3
The average rainfall for the months of January to May was 155 mm. Each month from January to May, the rainfall was 1 mm more than the month before it. What was the rainfall in January?
3 m
Level 3
There are 2 groups of workers in a factory. There are 5 more workers in the first group than the second group. Each worker in the first group makes 4 toys in a minute but each worker in the second group makes only 3 toys in a minute. Both groups make a total of 4140 toys in an hour.
  1. How many workers are there in the first group?
  2. How many workers are there in the second group?
4 m
Level 3
Daniel's age is 19 of his uncle's. His uncle will be 41 years old in 5 years' time. In how many years' time will Daniel's age be 37 of his uncle's?
4 m
Level 3
Chris runs 100 metres for 5 times. The average time taken for his first three runs is 14.5 seconds. He aims to have an average timing of 12.8 seconds for his five runs.
  1. What is the average time he needs to take for his 4th and 5th run in order to achieve his aim?
  2. If he runs 3 seconds faster in one of the five runs, what would be his average time for the five runs?
5 m
Level 3
At first, there were 410 more men than women at an exhibition. At lunch time, a total of 250 men and women left the exhibition. There were as many men as women who left the exhibition. In the end, there were 3 times as many men as women who remained behind. How many men were at the exhibition at first?
4 m