Level 3
Hannah went shopping with 4 times the amount that Kelly brought. The ratio of the amount of money Kelly spent to the amount of money Hannah spent was 2 : 3. In the end, Kelly and Hannah had $12 and $108 respectively. How much did Kelly spend?
4 m
Level 3
Sean and David had some allowance in the ratio of 3 : 7. They shared some money to buy a bracelet for their cousin. The ratio of the amount paid by Sean to the amount paid by David was 1 : 2. If David was left with $176 and Sean had spent 14 of his money, how much was the bracelet they bought?
4 m
Level 3
At first, Tina had 23 as many stickers as Esther. After Tina bought another 8 stickers and Esther lost 5 stickers, Tina had 45 as many stickers as Esther. Find the number of stickers Tina had at first.
3 m
Level 3
A store owner had coconuts and papayas. The ratio of coconuts to papayas was 5 : 2. After 12 of the coconuts and 18 papayas were sold, there were 2 times as many coconuts as papayas left. How many coconuts and papayas were there at first?
4 m
Level 3 PSLE
There were 95 oranges and apples altogether. After 23 of the oranges and half of the apples were sold, there were a total of 40 oranges and apples left. What fraction of the fruits were oranges at first? Give the answer in its simplest form.
3 m
Level 3
Isabelle had $574 less than Jane. Jane spent 35 of her money and Isabelle spent 34 of her money. In the end, Jane had 3 times as much as Isabelle. Find the amount of money Isabelle had at first.
4 m
Level 3
Eva and Fiona went shopping with a total of $200. After Eva spent 34 of her money and Fiona spent $46, the ratio of Fiona's money became 3 times as much as Eva's money. Find the ratio of Eva's money to Fiona's money at first.
4 m
Level 3
Cathy had some coin collection. 14 of them were red and the rest were yellow. She gave away 135 of the yellow coins and 50% of the red coins. She then had 15 of her coin collection left. How many coins did Cathy give away?
4 m
Level 3
Liam had 57 as many 20-cent coins as 1-dollar coins in his piggy bank. Each time, four 20-cent coins and six 1-dollar coins were taken out from the piggy bank. In the end, only seven 20-cent coins and four 1-dollar coins were left in the piggy bank. How many more 1-dollar coins than 20-cent coins were there in the piggy bank at first?
4 m
Level 3
Adam and Bryan have a total of $220.
Adam spends 13 of his money and
Bryan spends $30 of his money.
The ratio of Adam's money to Bryan's money becomes 5 : 2.
  1. How much does Bryan have at first?
  2. How much does Adam have in the end?
3 m