Level 3
Adam has 300 stickers in 3 colours.
40% of the stickers are blue.
The rest are red and yellow stickers in the ratio 2 : 3.
  1. What percentage of the stickers are yellow?
  2. How many red stickers are there?
3 m
Level 3
In a school, there is a total of 400 people.
30% are adults.
The rest are children.
The number of boys and girls is in the ratio of 2 : 5.
  1. What percentage of the people are boys?
  2. How many girls are there?
3 m
Level 3
In a school, there is a total of 400 people.
30% are adults.
The rest are children.
The number of boys and girls is in the ratio of 5 : 9.
  1. What percentage of the people are boys?
  2. How many girls are there?
3 m
Level 3
Paul had some apple macarons and apricot macarons. He gave away 160 macarons to his brother. 25% of them were apple macarons and the rest were apricot macarons. Paul gave some apple macarons to his sister. 25 of all the macarons he gave away to his brother and his sister were apple macarons.
  1. How many apricot macarons did he give his brother?
  2. How many apple macarons did he give his sister?
4 m
Level 3
Madam Naz made pies for sale. 45% of the pies were chicken pies and the rest were potato and sardine pies in the ratio 3 : 1. If a customer bought 75% of the chicken pies and all of the sardine pies, what percentage of the potato pies must Madam Naz sell for her to maintain the original percentage of chicken pies at first? Leave your answer in mixed numbers.
5 m