Level 2
The total age of Ron, Wilfred and Bob is 99 years. Ron is 4 times as old as Wilfred. Bob is 6 times as old as Wilfred. How old is Ron?
4 m
Level 2
Xavier, Kevin and John had a total of 126 stamps. Xavier had twice as many stamps as Kevin and John had twice as many stamps as Xavier. How many stamps did Kevin have?
4 m
Level 2
Alan and Bernard saved $75 altogether. Alan and Clara saved $145 altogether. If Clara saved thrice as much as Bernard, how much did Alan save?
4 m
Level 2
Michelle, Rebecca and Chris collected some dolls. Michelle had four times as many dolls as Chris, and Rebecca had twice as many dolls as Chris. If Michelle had 8 more dolls than Rebecca, how many dolls did the 3 girls collect in total?
4 m
Level 2
Alicia, Betty and Clara collected some buttons. Alicia had thrice as many buttons as Betty, and Betty had 8 more buttons than Clara. If they had a total of 102 buttons, how many buttons did less buttons did Betty have than Alicia?
4 m