Level 2
The sum of 39 tens, 15 hundreds, 20 thousands and 45 ones is ___.
2 m
Level 2
Complete the following number patterns.
  1. 1000, 901, 802,           , 604
  2. 27, 34, 42, 51,           .
  3. 82,           , 96. 100, 102
3 m
Level 2
There were 400 people at the cinema. 183 of them were men, 138 were women and the rest were children. How many children were there?
2 m
Level 2
At a book shop, Alice paid $12 for 1 book and 2 pens. 1 pen cost $3. How much did 1 book cost?
2 m
Level 2
Mrs Tan had 9 m of cloth. She used 240 cm of it to sew a dress and 395 cm to sew a shirt. What was the length of cloth she had left? Give your answer in cm.
2 m