Level 1 PSLE
Which of the following numbers is the smallest? Give the answer in letter. (Eg a)
  1. 0.056
  2. 0.506
  3. 0.065
  4. 0.605
1 m
Level 1 PSLE
The table shows the points scored by 5 contestants in a game. Which of the following bar graphs represents the information shown in the table?
1 m
Level 2 PSLE
Amy builds a solid using 7 unit cubes. Find the greatest number of unit cubes Amy can add to the solid without changing the front view and side view.
1 m
Level 1 PSLE
A tank was filled with 55 litre of water at 07 00. Water flowed out of the tank from 07 00 to 11 00. The line graph shows the amount of water in the tank from 07 00 to 11 00. During which one-hour period was the decrease in the volume of water the greatest? Give your answer in number. (Eg 1)
(1) From 0700 to 0800
(2) From 0700 to 0900
(3) From 0900 to 1000
(4) From 1000 to 1100
1 m
Level 1 PSLE
Three volumes are given.
1.2ℓ, 1 12ℓ, 1ℓ 2 mℓ
  1. Which is the smallest?
  2. Which is the largest?
1 m
Level 1 PSLE
Which one of the following fractions is the largest? Give the answer in letter. (Eg a)
(a) 13
(b) 25
(c) 49
1 m
Level 2 PSLE
A total of 130 people stand in a queue for movie tickets. There are at least 3 adults between any 2 children. What is the largest possible number of children in the queue?
2 m
Level 3 PSLE
Letters A, B and C formed a pattern as shown below.
A B A C A A B A C A A B A C A ...

If there are 137 'A', what is the greatest possible number of letters in the pattern?
2 m
Level 1
What is the maximum number of cubes of edge 6 cm that can be cut from a foam cuboid, 67 cm by 36 cm by 27 cm?
2 m
Level 2
Two numbers add up to 1.48. Both of the numbers are less than 1. One of them has 1 decimal place and the other has 2 decimal places. What is the largest possible difference between the two numbers?
2 m
Level 1 PSLE
Arrange these from the lightest to the heaviest:
2 kg 304 g, 234 kg, 2.34 kg
2 m
Level 1 PSLE
Arrange these from the lightest to the heaviest:
4.25 kg, 413 kg, 4 kg 50 g
2 m
Level 2 PSLE
The table shows the number of storybooks read by each pupil in a group. Part of the table is covered by an ink blot. There were 43 pupils who read at least 2 storybooks.
  1. How many pupils who read more than 2 storybooks?
  2. How many pupils are in the group?
2 m
Level 1
What is the maximum number of 3 cm cubes that can be filled into a 12 cm by 9 cm by 7 cm cuboid?
2 m
Level 1 PSLE
The table shows the temperatures of cities A, B, C and D.
  1. When Jane was at some of these cities, the temperature was 15°C. Name the cities. Give your answer in letters. (Eg A, B)
  2. Name the city with the smallest difference in temperatures. Find this difference. Give your answer in this format. (Eg B, 7°C)
2 m
Level 1 PSLE
Look at the diagram.
  1. Name the smallest angle.
  2. Name the two angles that are greater than 90°. Give your answers in letters. (Eg a, b)
2 m
Level 1 PSLE
Three containers with some water are shown. Which container has the least water and which container has the most?
2 m
Level 2 PSLE
The table shows the number of pupils with the following scores. A higher score means a better performance. Prizes were given to the top 8 pupils. Aaron won a prize. What was the lowest he could have scored?
2 m
Level 2 PSLE
Participants of a quiz must obtain at least a certain score in the first round to qualify for the next round. There were 150 participants in the first round and the table shows the number of participants for each score. 50% of the participants did not qualify for the next round. From the table, what was the lowest score of a participant who qualified for the next round?
2 m
Level 2
The actual lengths of Rope A and Rope B are in 2 decimal places. When rounded to the nearest metre, their lengths are each 10 m long. What is the greatest possible difference between the lengths of Rope A and Rope B?
2 m