Level 3
Tim took a flight at 01 10 on Tuesday to fly from Singapore to Italy. The time in Singapore is 6 hours ahead of the time in Italy.
  1. What was the local time in Italy when the flight left Singapore?
  2. The flight lasted 12 h 55 min. What was the time in Singapore when he reached Italy?
2 m
Level 2
The time in Singapore is 12 hours ahead of New York City, United States. Rosa, who lives in New York City, has a faulty watch that is 5 minutes slower. What is the time and day in Singapore when Rosa's watch shows 7.20 p.m. on a Monday evening?
4 m
Level 2
The time in Singapore is 2 hours behind Sydney, Australia. Qingyi took 6 h 45 mins to fly from Singapore to Sydney. She reached Sydney at 7.00 a.m. At what time did her flight leave Singapore?
4 m
Level 3
Lucinda took a flight from Seoul to Singapore. When it was 07 00 in Seoul, it was 06 00 in Singapore. The flight was 7 hours 15 minutes long. When Lucinda landed in Singapore, the clock in the airport showed 18 05. What was the time in Seoul when Lucinda's flight departed? Express your answer using the 24-hour clock.
3 m
Level 3
The time in New Zealand is 4 hours ahead of the time in Singapore. When it is 10 00 in Singapore, it is 14 00 in New Zealand. Kathy went to New Zealand for a work trip. She would be taking a flight from New Zealand at 06 40 to come back to Singapore. The flight duration is 9 h 55 min. At what time would Kathy reach Singapore?
4 m