Level 2
The sum of two numbers is 1000.
One number is 200 less than the other number.
What are the two numbers?

  1. The smaller number.
  2. The larger number.
2 m
Level 2
3 children have 2000 stickers.
Adam has 800 stickers.
Bryan has 300 less than Adam.
How many stickers does Chris have?
2 m
Level 2
Adam has 900 stickers.
There are 300 red stickers and
100 more blue stickers than red stickers.
The rest are yellow stickers.
  1. How many yellow stickers does Adam have?
  2. how many less yellow stickers than blue stickers does Adam have?
3 m
Level 2
3 children have 1900 stickers.
Bryan has 200 more stickers than Adam
but 300 less stickers than Chris.
  1. How many stickers does Chris have?
  2. How many stickers does Bryan have?
  3. How many stickers does Adam have?
3 m
Level 3
3 children have 300 stickers.
Adam has 10 more stickers than Bryan.
Chris has 40 more stickers than Adam.
How many stickers does Chris have?
2 m
Level 1
Adam has 1800 red stickers, 2400 blue stickers and 1200 yellow stickers.
After some stickers are given away,
Adam has 3000 stickers left.
How many stickers are given away?
2 m
Level 2
Adam has 500 stickers.
After giving some stickers to his students,
he has 100 stickers left.
Each student receives 10 stickers.
How many students does he give to?
2 m
Level 2
5 children and 3 adults pay $4000 for their air tickers.
The air ticket for a child costs $200.
How much does 1 adult air ticket cost?
3 m
Level 2
A marble costs $60.
It costs 3 times as much as a bead.
  1. How much does the bead cost?
  2. How much more does the marble cost than the bead?
  3. How much are 1 marble and 1 bead?
  4. How much are 2 marbles and 3 beads?
4 m
Level 2
Adam pays $3500 for 2 TV sets and 4 mobile phones.
Each TV set costs 3 times as much as each mobile phone.
What is the cost of each TV set?
3 m