Level 1
What is the name of the shaded shape?
(1) Circle
(2) Triangle
(3) Square
(4) Rectangle
1 m
Level 3 PSLE
Figure 1 shows a trapezium which has a perimeter of 90 cm. Jane joins three such trapeziums to form Figure 2 which has a perimeter of 190 cm.
  1. Find the length of AB.
  2. Jane joins another four such trapeziums to form Figure 3 which has an area of 1680 cm2. Find the length of XY.
4 m
Level 1
Select the 1 shape at the bottom row to join with the shape at the top and form a rectangle.
Give the answer in number.
(1) Shape A
(2) Shape B
(3) Shape C
1 m
Level 1
Choose the smaller square. Give the answer in number. (Eg 1).
1 m
Level 1
Which is the biggest triangle? Give the answer in number.
1 m
Level 1
Look at the group of shapes. Which shape do they belong to? Give the answer in number.
(1) Circle
(2) Triangle
(3) Square
(4) Rectangle
1 m
Level 1
What is the name of the shaded shape? Give the answer in number. (Eg 1)
(1) Circle
(2) Triangle
(3) Square
(4) Rectangle
1 m
Level 1
Which of the following figures are rectangles? Give the answer(s) only in letter(s) in alphabetical order. (Eg A, B)
1 m
Level 1
A shape has 4 sides. All its sides are equal.
What is the shape?
(1) Square
(2) Circle
(3) Ttriangle
(4) Rectangle
2 m
Level 1
A ____________ has 4 right angles and 2 pairs of parallel sides, where one pair is longer than the other pair. Give the answer in letter only. (Eg a)

  1. rectangle
  2. square
  3. triangle
1 m
Level 1
Rectangle ABCD with AB 3 cm long and BC 5 cm long. How long is
  1. Line CD
  2. Line DA?
1 m
Level 1
Which shape cannot be found in the picture? Give the answer in number. (Eg 1)
(1) Square
(2) Rectangle
(3) Circle
(4) Triangle
2 m
Level 1
The perimeter of a rectangle is 90 m. Its length is 36 m. Find the breadth.
1 m
Level 1
What fraction of the figure is unshaded? Give your answer in the simplest form.
1 m
Level 1
Which figure is a rectangle ? Give the answer in number. (Eg 1)
1 m
Level 2
Which two shapes belong to the same group? Give the answer in numbers. (Eg 1, 2)
1 m
Level 1
What percentage of the figure is unshaded?
1 m
Level 2
Which set is grouped correctly by shape? Give the answer in number. (Eg 1)
2 m
Level 2
Answer the following.
  1. How many triangles are there?
  2. How many squares are there?
  3. How many circles are there?
2 m
Level 2
How many triangles are there in the picture?
2 m