Level 3
Adam scores a total of 60 marks.
There are a total of 30 questions.
Every correct answer will earn 3 marks.
Every wrong answer will earn 0 marks.
How many questions are (a) incorrectly answered and (b) correctly answered?
4 m
Level 3
Adam scores a total of 60 marks.
There are a total of 30 questions.
Every correct answer will earn 3 marks.
Every blank or wrong answer will have 2 marks deducted.
How many questions are (a) incorrectly answered and (b) correctly answered?
4 m
Level 3
Adam scores a total of 60 marks.
There are a total of 30 questions.
Every correct answer will earn 3 marks.
Every blank answer will earn 0 mark.
Every wrong answer will have 2 marks deducted.
How many questions are (a) incorrectly answered, (b) correctly answered and (c) left blank?
4 m
Level 3
30 students share some stickers.
Each girl gets 4 stickers.
Each boy gets 5 stickers.
In total, the girls get 30 more stickers than the boys.
  1. How many boys are there?
  2. How many girls are there?
  3. How many stickers do the boys get?
  4. How many stickers do the children get?
4 m
Level 3
30 students share some stickers.
Each girl gets 4 stickers.
Each boy gets 5 stickers.
In total, the girls get 60 less stickers than the boys.
  1. How many girls are there?
  2. How many boys are there?
  3. How many stickers do the boys get?
  4. How many stickers do the students get?
4 m