Level 2
0.75 of a number is greater than 0.5 of the number by 5. What is the number?
2 m
Level 2
0.8 of a number is 400. What is 0.2 of the same number?
2 m
Level 3
Zara baked vanilla, chocolate and red velvet macarons. There were half as many red velvet macarons as chocolate macarons and an equal number of red velvet macarons as vanilla macarons. The cost of each macaron is given as shown.

1 red velvet macaron: $1.10
1 chocolate macaron: $1.40
1 vanilla macaron: $1.20

If she collected $153 from selling all the macarons, how many chocolate macarons were there?
3 m
Level 3
A fruit vendor ordered some fruits. 35% of the fruits he ordered were apples and the rest were oranges. Each apple cost $1.20 and each orange cost 50% more than each apple. The vendor paid a total of $636.
  1. Find the total cost of the apples.
  2. How many oranges did he order?
3 m
Level 3
At a wedding function, the ratio of the number of men to the number of women was 13 : 5. If 35% of the women left, what percentage of the men must leave so that there will be an equal number of men and women remaining?
3 m
Level 3
In a supermarket, 65% of the number of vegetables sold were carrots and the rest were potatoes. Each carrot cost 50¢ and each potato cost 10¢ less than the cost of each carrot. Given that $195.30 was collected from the sale of the fruits,
  1. how many carrot were sold?
  2. how much was collected from the sale of the potatoes only?
4 m
Level 2 PSLE
Joseph has thrice as many 20-cent coins as 50-cent coins. If he has $66 in total, how many 20-cent coins does Joseph have?
3 m
Level 3
Jane's savings is 20% more than Darwin's savings. If Jane's savings is decreased by 20%, their total savings will be $980. How much is Jane's savings?
3 m
Level 3
Adam and Bryan have some money in the ratio of 5 : 4
After Adam gives 12 of his money to Bryan,
Bryan has $400 more than Adam in the end.
  1. How much does Bryan have at first?
  2. How much does Adam have in the end?
  3. How much does Adam give to Bryan?
4 m
Level 3
Adam has some money.
Adam spends $300 on some stickers and
80% of the remainder on some marbles.
In the end, he has 18 of the total amount left.
  1. How much does Adam have at first?
  2. How much more does Adam spend on marbles than on stickers?
3 m