Level 2 PSLE
At first, Lily had an equal number of red and green beads . She gave away 23 of her red beads and some green beads. In the end, she was left with 14 of her beads. What fraction of the green beads was Lily left with?
2 m
Level 3
Betty had an equal number of $2 and $10 notes. After spending 43 pieces of $10 and 19 pieces of $2 notes, the ratio of the $2 notes to $10 notes left was 5 : 1. Find the value of the notes left.
4 m
Level 3
Fiona had an equal number of $5 and $10 notes. After spending 40 pieces of $10 and 16 pieces of $5 notes, the ratio of the $5 notes to $10 notes left was 4 : 1. Find the value of the notes at first.
4 m
Level 3
Jane and Wendy had equal amount of money. Each day, Jane spent $4 and Wendy spent $5. When Jane had $60 left, Wendy had 45 as much money left as Jane. How much money did the two girls have at first?
4 m
Level 3 PSLE
Nick had doughnuts and Ethan had scones. Both gave half of what they had to each other. Nick sold 8 doughnuts and Ethan sold 42 scones. In the end, the ratios of doughnuts to scones for Nick and Ethan were 1 : 5 and 1 : 3 respectively. How many doughnuts did Nick have at first?
4 m