Level 3
Adam was 3 times as old as Bryan 10 years ago.
Their total present age is 60 years now.
  1. How old is Adam now?
  2. How many years is Adam older than Bryan?
  3. How old is Bryan in 20 years' time?
4 m
Level 3
Adam is 3 times as old as Bryan now.
In 10 years time, their total age is 60 years.
How old is Adam now?
  1. How old is Bryan now?
  2. How many years is Bryan younger than Adam?
  3. How old was Adam 20 years ago?
4 m
Level 3
Fabian's age is 14 that of his father's. His father is 24 years older than him. Find their total age.
4 m
Level 3
Henry is 5 years old now. His sister is 6 years older than him. How old will Henry be when his age is 57 of his sister's?
4 m
Level 3
37 of Caleb's money is equal to 15 of Jake's money. After each of them spent $40, Jake had $120 more than Caleb. How much money does Jake have left after spending?
4 m
Level 3
Three years ago, Greg's age was half of Daniel's age. Fernando is 25 years old now and he is 6 years older than Daniel. How old is Greg now?
4 m
Level 3
2 rectangles A and B, not drawn to scale, overlap at x as shown. x is 18 of rectangle A and 16 of rectangle B. If the length of rectangle B is 9 cm and its breadth is 4 cm, what is the area of the unshaded part of figures A and B?
4 m
Level 3
Mary's father is 75 years old. 15 years ago, he was twice as old as Mary. Express Mary's present age as a fraction of her father's age.
4 m
Level 3
Aunt Susie is now 46 years old and Tanya is 3 years less than half of Aunt Susie's age. How many years later will Aunt Susie be twice as old as Tanya?
4 m
Level 3
Wendy was 9 years old last year. She was 26 years younger than her mother.
  1. How old will her mother be 5 years later?
  2. In how many years' time will Wendy's age be 13 of her mother's age?
4 m