Level 2
B is a number. Multiply B by 5, then add 6.23 to the product, the answer is 30.08. What number is B?
2 m
Level 2
Some children board a school bus.
At Bus Stop A, 25 of them alight
and 8 children board.
If there are 26 children in the bus now,
how many children are on the bus at first?
3 m
Level 3
Ben bought some pastries. He bought some cupcakes with $9.20 more than half his money. He then bought some puffs with $7.20 less than half of his remaining money. He then had $12.80 left. How much did he pay for the cupcakes?
4 m
Level 2
Thomas made a half turn in an anti-clockwise direction. Then he made a quarter turn in the clockwise direction. He is now facing the playground. Is he facing Block 345 at first? Give your answer as Yes = Y and No = N.
2 m
Level 2
If you multiply a number by 8, then add 13, then subtract 9, you will get 100. What is the number?
2 m
Level 3
A group of friends went for lunch together. After lunch, half of them went home. Among those who remained, 7 of them went shopping together while the rest went for a movie. For those who went for the movie, 4 of them went home after the movie and the remaining 5 of them decided to go for dinner. How many friends went for lunch together?
3 m
Level 3
Mrs Wang made some puffs and ate 24. Her neighbour gave her 38 more and Mrs Wang brought 35 puffs to work. In the end, she was left with 76 puffs. How many puffs did Mrs Wang make?
3 m
Level 3
At the bus interchange, some passengers boarded the bus. At the first stop, 17 passengers alighted and 3 passengers boarded the bus. At the second stop, only 24 passengers boarded the bus. When the bus left the second stop, there were 54 passengers on the bus. How many passengers boarded the bus at the interchange?
3 m
Level 3
Xavier gave 18 of his stamps to Joe, 59 of his remaining stamps to Jason and 37 of the rest of his stamps to Kim. He then had 16 stamps left. How many stamps had he at first?
4 m
Level 3
There are some cookies in the jar. On Monday, Alex ate 14 of the cookies. He later bought 24 cookies and added into the jar. On Tuesday, Alex ate 36 cookies. He was hungry and ate another 30 cookies. There were no cookies left. How many cookies were there in the jar at first?
4 m