Level 3
Bus X and Bus Y left the same bus station at uniform speeds in the same direction round a 48-km circular route. Bus X took 45 minutes to complete each round while Bus Y took 30 minutes.
  1. How long would it take Bus Y to meet Bus Y for the first time? Express the answer in mixed number of hours.
  2. How far would Bus X be behind Bus Y after 12 hour?
3 m
Level 3
Helen and Jomarie started off from the same place and drove at uniform speeds in the same direction round a 40-km circular racing track. Helen completed each round in 40 minutes. Jomarie took 50 minutes to complete each round.
  1. How far would Jomarie be behind Helen after 1 hour?
  2. How long after they started would it take Helen to meet Jomarie for the first time?
3 m
Level 3
A car uses 9 litres of petrol for every 50 km it travels at an average driving speed is 80 km/h. It uses 6 litres of petrol for every 70 km it travels when it average driving speed is 60 km/h. How much petrol will the car consume use for a journey which lasts 12 h if it travels at 80 km/h for 5 h and 60 km/h for the rest of the journey?
4 m
Level 3 PSLE
At 15 25, Mrs Pang started driving at 60 km/h from her home to a supermarket 35 km away. She was in the supermarket for 1 h 15 min.
  1. What time did she leave the supermarket?
  2. After leaving the supermarket, Mrs Pang drove back along the same route and took 48 min to reach home. What was her average speed, in km/h, for the journey home?
4 m
Level 3
After cycling for 30 km, Mark took a break before he continued cycling 13 of the remaining distance. He then realised that he still had 14 of the total distance not completed. If Mark's average speed was 30 km/h, how much time did he take to complete the entire ride? Express the answer in mixed number.
4 m