Level 3 PSLE
Two rectangular tanks are shown. At first, Tank X was empty and one quarter of Tank Y was filled with water. Both taps were turned on at the same time and water from both taps flowed at the same rate of 1.6 litres per minute. How much time will it take for the height of the water to be the same in both tanks? (1 litre = 1000 cm3 )
4 m
Level 3 PSLE
At 15 25, Mrs Pang started driving at 60 km/h from her home to a supermarket 35 km away. She was in the supermarket for 1 h 15 min.
  1. What time did she leave the supermarket?
  2. After leaving the supermarket, Mrs Pang drove back along the same route and took 48 min to reach home. What was her average speed, in km/h, for the journey home?
4 m
Level 3
After cycling for 30 km, Mark took a break before he continued cycling 13 of the remaining distance. He then realised that he still had 14 of the total distance not completed. If Mark's average speed was 30 km/h, how much time did he take to complete the entire ride? Express the answer in mixed number.
4 m
Level 3
In a factory, Machine A was turned on first and it produced 313 wontons. Then Machine A and Machine B were turned on at the same time to continue production. For every 4 wontons Machine A produced, Machine B produced 6 wontons. Machine B produced 45 less than 12 of the total number of wontons produced. How many wontons were produced altogether?
5 m
Level 3
The sum of Beatrice's age and her younger sister's age is 26. The product of their ages is 144. What is Beatrice's age in 20 years' time?
3 m
Level 3
At 9.45 a.m., Mark started driving from Town X to Town Y which was 440 km away. For the first 220 km, he travelled at an average speed of 80 km/h. He then decreased his speed by 20 km/h and completed the remaining journey.
  1. Find the total time taken for the whole journey. Express the answer in mixed number.
  2. At what time did she reach Town Y?
4 m
Level 1
Wenwen took 1 h 5 min to pack bottles of water into a carton. How long would she take to pack 10 such cartons? Leave the answers in hours and minutes?
2 m
Level 3
Oscar Mobile Company has a few mobile phone service plans. Plan A offers 270 SMS and 90 minutes of talk time for $25.20. Plan B offers 370 SMS and 190 minutes of talk time for $35.20. Oscar Mobile Company is also going to launch Plan C which offers 170 SMS and 260 minutes of talk time. How much should Oscar Mobile Company charge for Plan C if the cost per SMS and the cost per minute of talk time do not vary across the three plans?
5 m
Level 3
At 10 30 , Aaron left Town A for Town B, driving at a speed of 75 km/h. At 11 30 , Tom also left Town A for Town B driving at a certain speed. Both of them did not change their speed throughout the journey. At 14 30, both of them passed a shopping mall that was 150 km away from Town B. How many minutes earlier did Tom reach Town B than Aaron?
4 m
Level 3
At 5.30 p.m., Bella and Brent left Hotel A for Hotel B at average speeds of 72 km/h and 50 km/h respectively. Upon reaching Hotel B, Bella rested for 20 minutes. She then headed back for Hotel A at an average speed of 72 km/h along the same route. Brent and Bella met each other on their way at 9 p.m.
  1. How much more distance had Bella covered than Brent when they met on their way?
  2. How far apart were Hotel A and Hotel B? Express the answer in mixed number.
4 m
Level 3
May started jogging from home to park at a speed of 300m/min at 6 a.m. Her brother started jogging from home later. They were beside each other at 6.30 a.m. and her brother reached park at 7 a.m. while May was still 1800 m away. If both of them travelled at a constant speed throughout the journey, what time did her brother leave home?
4 m
Level 3
The distance between town A and town B was 100 km. At 0700 Ali left town A and cycled towards town B. Grace left town A and cycled towards town B at 0730. Grace's cycling speed was 2 km/h faster than Ali. At 1100, Grace caught up with Ali. When Grace was 20 km from town B, she stopped to wait for Ali. How far was Ali from Grace when she stopped to wait for him?
4 m
Level 3
Singapore and Kuala Lumpur is 375 km apart. Rael left Singapore for Kuala Lumpur at 10.00 a.m. travelling at an average speed of 75 km/h. Sam left Singapore later than Rael and caught up with him at 12.00 p.m. Sam was travelling at a speed of 90 km/h.
  1. At what time did Sam leave Singapore?
  2. How much later did Rael arrive in Kuala Lumpur than Sam?
4 m
Level 3
At 8 a.m., Rina started from City A and travelled towards City B and his speed remained constant throughout. At 9 a.m., Mandy started her journey from City A towards City B at an average speed of 72 km/h. Mandy overtook Rina at 12 p.m. After overtaking, Mandy carried on her journey at the same average speed and reached at City B at 2:30 p.m.
  1. Find Rina's average speed in km/h.
  2. What is the distance between the two cities?
4 m
Level 3
During the school holidays, Vanessa spent 18 of her day outside playing with her friends and 5 hours on playing board games. The rest of her time was spent in the house. How many hours did he spend in the house that day?
4 m
Level 3
After 20 minutes into a race, Daniel has run 58 of the route while Piolo has covered only 38 of the distance. Daniel runs at the same average speed throughout the race and Piolo's average speed is 60 m/min slower than Daniel's. If Piolo wants to finish the race at the same time as Daniel, by how many percent should he increase his average speed by for the remaining part of the race? Round off the answer to the nearest whole number.
4 m
Level 3
Edward cycled from the mall to the bank at 80 m/min. His sister cycled from the bank to the mall at 65 m/min. Both of them started cycling towards each other at the same time and did not change their speeds throughout their journey. When Edward reached the mall, his sister was 480 m from the bank. What was the distance between the mall and the bank? Express your answer in m.
4 m
Level 3
A pharmacy and a bank, 500 m apart, are situated between Tina's apartment and Lynn's house as shown. The bank is half-way between the two houses. Tina and Lynn left their homes at the same time and arrived at the pharmacy at the same time. Tina drove at a speed of 65 km/h while Lynn drove at a speed 10 km/h slower than Tina.
  1. How much further did Tina travel than Lynn?
  2. How far is Lynn's house from the bank?
4 m
Level 3
Building A and Building B were 360 km apart. A car travelled from Building A towards Building B. At the same time, a bus started from Building B to Building A. After travelling 112 hours, the two vehicles were still 144 km apart. If the ratio of the average speed of the bus to that of the car was 4 : 5, find
  1. the average speed of the bus.
  2. the time taken for them to meet. travelling the rest of the journey
4 m
Level 3
Kenny and Jerry started on a 50-km cycling trip at the same time. They cycled at the same speed for first 10 km. For the remaining 40 km, Kenny cycled faster than Jerry. He arrived at the finishing point 40 minutes before Jerry who was 10 km behind him. Jerry did not change his speed throughout and completed it at 11 30.
  1. At what time did the trip begin? Give the answer in 12-hour format.
  2. What was Kenny's average speed for the remaining 40 km of the trip in km/h?
4 m