Level 3
At a zoo, there were 35 as many adults as children at first. After 46 adults left, there were 116 more children than adults remaining at a zoo. How many adults were at the zoo at first?
3 m
Level 3
Aunt Tina baked 50 less cookies than muffins. After she gave 35 of the muffins and 0.7 of the cookies to Cathy, she was left with 88 fewer cookies than muffins. How many muffins did she bake?
4 m
Level 3
Lisa had 740 more candies than Anna. Lisa used 56 of her candies and Anna used 12 of her candies. In the end, Lisa had 2 times as much as Anna. Find the number of candies Anna had at first.
4 m
Level 3
Ian had 140 more stickers than Ethan. Ian gave 25% of his stickers to Ethan. Ethan in return gave 80% of his stickers to Ian. In the end, Ian had 282 more stickers than Ethan. How many stickers did Ian have at first?
4 m
Level 3
Hazel had $300 more than Wendy. Hazel gave 35 of her money to Wendy. Wendy then gave 25% of her money to Hazel. In the end, Wendy had $186 more than Hazel. How much did Hazel have at first?
4 m