Level 2
Adam is 25 years old.
Bryan is 5 years old.
In a few years' time, Adam will be 3 times as old as Bryan.
  1. In how many years' time will Adam be 3 times as old as Bryan?
  2. How old will Adam be by that time?
3 m
Level 2
The graph shows the earnings that an apparel store made from January to May.
  1. What was the total earnings from January to May?
  2. How much money must be earned in June to have an average earnings of $3200 from January to June?
2 m
Level 2
The graph shows the monthly income of Mr Chai for the first half of the year. In which month was his income 35 of her combined income in January and April? Give the answer in short form. (Eg Jan)
2 m
Level 2
The bar graph shows the number of notebooks sold in 3 months. The bar that shows the number of notebooks in January is not drawn.
38 of the total number of notebooks sold in the 3 months were sold in January. How many notebooks were sold in January?
2 m
Level 1
In 8 years' time, the average age of Mr Tong and his son will be 27 years. What is their total age now?
2 m