Level 3
Adam has some stickers
He gives away 13 and an additional 15 stickers away to Bryan.
He gives away 49 of the remainder less 10 stickers to Chris
and 35 of the rest to David.
Adam has 30 stickers left.
How many stickers does he have at first?
3 m
In a stationery kiosk, a box of markers costs thrice as much as a guidebook. Mrs Yong spent 14 of her money to buy 2 boxes of markers. She then spent 47 of her remaining money to buy some guidebooks and had $21.60 left. How much does each guidebook cost?
4 m
Level 2
Z is a whole number. Multiply Z by 40 and add 1000 to the result, the answer is 12 680. What number is Z?
2 m
Level 2
Zandro used a calculator to divide a 4-digit number by a 1-digit number. For the 1-digit number, he made a mistake by pressing 6 instead of 5. He obtained the incorrect answer of 560. What should be the correct answer?
2 m
Level 2
Janice mistakenly multiplied 27 by 100 instead of multiplying a given number by 100. If the result was 4500 less than the correct answer, what was the given number?
2 m