Level 3
A farm had the same number of sheep, cows and geese. After selling 43 cows and buying another 147 geese, the farm now has 3 times as many geese as cows. How many sheep does the farm have?
4 m
Level 3
Gabriel had thrice as much money as Helen. After Gabriel spent $16 and Helen spent $4, Gabriel had $18 more than Helen. How much did Gabriel have in the end?
4 m
Level 3
Marie had the same number of red, green and blue beads at first. After giving some red and green beads and 108 blue beads away, Marie had 250 beads left. There were 2 times as many red beads as green beads left. The number of blue beads left was 50 fewer than the number of red beads left. How many blue beads did she have at first?
4 m
Level 3
Lynn collected 550 stamps. Michelle collected 65 stamps more than Lynn. Michelle collected 3 times as many stamps as Nigel. How many stamps did Nigel collect?
4 m
Level 3
Gordon had $108 more than Henry. Every day, Gordon would spend 3 times as much money as Henry. After 4 days, Gordon and Henry were left with equal amount of money. How much did Gordon spend every day?
4 m
Level 3
A conference was held three times a day. 2105 people attended the morning session. 1234 fewer people attended the afternoon session. In the evening, the number of people who attended was 3 times as many as those who went in the afternoon. How many people attended the conference in the evening?
4 m
Level 3
Container X has 224 toys. Container Y has 3 times as many toys as Container X. How many toys are there if Container Y has less than Container X?
4 m
Level 3
There were 3 times as many boys as girls in the school hall at first. After 12 boys left and 8 girls entered hall, there were 4 more boys than girls remaining in the hall. What was the number of boys in the hall at first?
4 m
Level 3
Yusra had 8 more blue pens than green pens at first. His mother then gave him 14 blue pens and his classmates gave him 60 green pens for Christmas. Yusra realised that he now had twice as many green pens as blue pens. How many pens did Yusra have in the end?
4 m
Level 3
Jane has 7 erasers. Alan has 4 times as many erasers as Jane.
  1. How many erasers does Alan have?
  2. How many more erasers Alan has than Jane?
4 m