Level 3
Shiyun bought sandwiches at the prices as shown. Shiyun spent an equal amount of money on the tuna and chicken sandwiches.
  1. What fraction of the sandwiches Shiyun bought were chicken sandwiches?
  2. How much did Shiyun spend altogether?
3 m
Level 3
There were some red, blue and green pens in a box. 19 of the pens were blue. The ratio of the number of red pens to the number of green pens was 3 : 5. There were 288 fewer blue pens than green pens.
  1. Find the ratio of the number of red pens to the number of blue pens to the number of green pens in the box.
  2. How many green pens were there?
4 m
Level 3
Sandra bought three types of fruits. The prices are given.
The bar graph shows the mass of each type of fruits Sandra bought.
  1. What fraction of the fruits Sandra bought were cucumber? Give your answer in the simplest form.
  2. Which type of fruits did Sandra spend the most money on? How much did she spend on that fruits? Give your answers in this format. (Eg 1, $1.20)
3 m
Level 3
In the stationery shop, 14 of the books sold were Math books. 13 of the remaining books sold were English books. The ratio of the number of English books sold to the number of Chinese books was 7 : 6. The number of Science books sold was 56. How many books were sold altogether?
4 m
Level 3
A box contained red, blue and purple markers. 25 of the markers were red and 29 of the remainder were blue markers. The rest were purple markers.
  1. Find the ratio of the number of purple markers to the number of red markers.
  2. There were 160 fewer blue markers than red markers. How many markers were there in the box?
4 m
Level 3
At a school carnival, each boy received 3 packets of sweets and each girl received 4 packets of sweets. Each accompanying adult received 2 packets of sweets. 27 of the people at the school carnival were adults. The ratio of the number of boys to the number of girls at the carnival was 5 : 8. Given that only 6601 packets of sweets were given away, how many people were there at the carnival?
4 m
Level 2
Janelle collected 288 cards. She gave 13 of them to her three siblings. On the average, how many cards did each of her siblings receive?
3 m
Level 3
Jamie had 126 pens. 23 of them were blue pens and the rest were red pens. After she had given away some blue pens, the ratio of the number of blue pens to the number of red pens became 4 : 3. How many blue pens did she give away?
4 m
Level 3
Daniel had to solve some Science questions during a 3-week school holidays. At the end of the first week, the ratio of the number of questions solved to the number of questions unsolved was 3 : 7. At the end of the second week, Daniel solved another 36 questions and the number of unsolved questions became 14 of the total number of questions. How many questions did Daniel need to solve on the third week to complete his assignment?
4 m
Level 3
Janet wanted to finish reading a 231-page book by the end of the week. On Monday she read 37 of the book and by Friday the ratio of the number of pages read to the total number of pages was 9 : 11. Find the number of pages Janet would need to read during the weekend in order for her to complete the entire book.
4 m