Level 3
Tank A measuring 54 cm by 14 cm by 25 cm contains 4.7 ℓ of water. It is being filled with water flowing from Tap X at 0.9ℓ/min and Tap Y at 995 mℓ/min. Both taps are turned on at the same time. How long does it take to fill up Tank A till it is 75% full? Correct the answer to 1 decimal place.
3 m
Level 2 PSLE
Carlo filled a container with water using two taps. He turned on Tap A first and after 4 minutes, he also turned on Tap B. Both taps were turned off at the same time when the container was completely filled without overflowing. The graph shows the amount of water in the container over 16 minutes.
  1. What fraction of the container was filled 4 minutes after Tap A was turned on? Express your answer in the simplest form.
  2. In one minute, how many litres of water flowed from Tap B?
3 m
Level 3
Tap A can fill up a tank in 2 hours. Tap B can fill up the same tank in 6 hours. How long will it take to fill up the tank if both taps are turned on at the same time? Express the answer(s) in h.
3 m
Level 3 PSLE
Mr Lee used two printers with different printing rates for a printing job. He started Machine A at 10 00 and started Machine B two minutes later. He stopped both machines at 10 05. The graphs show the total number of pages printed by each machine from the start of printing.
  1. How many pages had been printed by Machine A at the time Mr Lee started Machine B?
  2. What was the difference in the number of pages printed by the two machines from 10 00 to 10 05?
  3. Which machine, A or B, has a faster printing rate? What is the difference in the number of pages printed by the machines in one minute? Give your answer in this format. (Eg A, 1)
4 m
Level 3
Nick placed three empty containers side by side. The smallest container has a crack at the bottom of its side and the base area of each container is 18 cm2. After he turned on the faucet for 68 minutes, the height of the water in the smallest container became 8 cm although 0.8 mℓ of water is leaking out of the crack per minute. Find the rate of flow of water from the faucet. Give the answer in mℓ/min.
4 m