Level 3
The average number of mangosteens in Carton C, Carton D and Carton E is 24 and it is 8 more than the average number of papayas in the 3 cartons. 16 of the papayas are in Carton C and the papayas in Carton C is 80% of the number of papayas in Carton D. If each carton has the same number of fruits, what percentage of the fruits in Carton E are mangosteens?
5 m
Level 3
In a shop, the number of cartons of mangosteen juice sold was 15 the number of cartons left. When 42 more cartons were sold, the total number of cartons sold was 28 less than 813 the number of cartons the shop had at first. How many cartons were there at first?
4 m
Level 3
On Monday, 700 more youths than children attended a concert. On Tuesday, the number of youths decreased by 30% and the number of children increased by 80%. 1240 audience attended the concert on Tuesday. If each ticket cost $12, how much money was collected from the sale of concert tickets for the two days?
5 m
Level 3
Olivia, Zoe, Betty and Natalie received a sum of money. Olivia received 38 of the total amount of money Zoe, Betty and Natalie received. Zoe received 17 of the total amount of money Betty and Natalie received. Betty received 13 as much money as Natalie. If Olivia received $275 more than Betty, find the total sum of money the 4 girls received.
4 m
Level 3
Olivia, Natalie and Kate have 264 marbles. Natalie has 79 as many marbles as Olivia. Kate's marbles is 12 of the total number of Olivia's and Natalie's marbles. How many marbles must Natalie give to Kate so that both Olivia and Kate will have the same number of marbles?
4 m