Level 3
25% of the people are performers for a concert and the rest are spectators. 60% of the spectators are adults and there are 420 less child spectators than adult spectators. How many adult spectators must join so that 56% of the people are adult spectators?
4 m
Level 3
15 of the guests at a stadium were women. 80% of the remaining guests were men and the rest were children. The number of men was 476 more than the total number of women and children. After some men left the stadium, 20% of the guests that remained were men. How many men left the stadium?
4 m
Level 3
There were some grapefruits and durians in Container A and Container B. In Container A, the ratio of the grapefruits to the number of durians was 3 : 1. In Container B, the ratio of the number of grapefruits to the number of durians was 3 : 2. There were 2 times as many fruits in Container A as in Container B. After 56 durians were put into Container B, the ratio of the number of grapefruits to the number of durians in Container B became 1 : 2. How many fruits were there in Container A?
5 m
Level 3
Bryan had some stickers. He gave 15 of his stickers to John and bought 4 new stickers. After that, he gave 13 of his remaining stickers to his brother and bought another 7 new stickers. In the end, Bryan had 55 stickers.
  1. How many stickers did Bryan give to his brother?
  2. How many stickers did Bryan have at first?
4 m
Level 3
John spent 25 of his salary. He saved 37 of it. He then gave 38 of what was left to his son and gave the remaining amount of $300 to his daughter. What was John's salary?
4 m