Level 2
Andrew has 28 stamps. 6 of them are local stamps. The rest are foreign stamps. How many foreign stamps are there?
3 m
Level 3
This figure is not drawn to scale. Wheel A and Wheel B are touching a vertical plastic sheet. The ratio of the radius of the small wheel A to the radius of the big wheel B is 2 : 5. The total radii of Wheel A and Wheel B is 196 cm. Both wheels are rolled out in opposite direction shown until they are 2660 cm apart. The two wheels need to make the same number of revolutions. How many revolutions does each wheel make assuming that each wheel must make a complete revolution? (Take π = 227)
5 m
Level 3
Contestants in a quiz were awarded certificates based on their scores. A total of 312 points were awarded. 18 of the contestants received the Certificate of Distinction. 45 of the remaining contestants received the Merit Certificate and the rest received the Participation Certificate. How many contestants received the Certificate of Distinction?
5 m
Level 3
Paul has a bell that rings every 4 minutes. Lucy has a bell that rings every 7 minutes. The 2 bells ring together at 11 a.m. What time will the 2 bells ring together again?
4 m
Level 3
David and Eileen spent an equal amount on food. David spent 12 of his money on food while Eileen spent 34 of her money on food. Given that David had $4 more than Eileen at first, how much did David have at first?
4 m
Level 3
April writes a number on the card. It is greater than 700 but smaller that 720. The sum of all digits is 10. What are the possible numbers?
4 m
Level 2
May buys 7 red pens, 8 blue pens and 3 green pens. How many pens does May buy altogether?
3 m
Level 3
What is the minimum number of books that can be shared among 2, 3 or 5 students?
4 m
Level 3
What are the missing numbers?
a) 143 + 267 = 783 -             
(b)              - 302 = 189 + 205
4 m
Level 3
There were 2 boys more than girls in a class. 13 of the boys and 14 of the girls did not wear spectacles. Given that there was an equal number of boys and girls who wore spectacles, how many girls were there in the class?
4 m