Level 2
The total age of Ron, Wilfred and Bob is 99 years. Ron is 4 times as old as Wilfred. Bob is 6 times as old as Wilfred. How old is Ron?
4 m
Level 3
Justin has 442 stamps. Justin has 232 more stamps than Sam. Eric has 154 fewer stamps than Sam. How many stamps does Eric have?
4 m
Level 2
Xavier, Kevin and John had a total of 126 stamps. Xavier had twice as many stamps as Kevin and John had twice as many stamps as Xavier. How many stamps did Kevin have?
4 m
Level 3
In a game, two groups, X and Y folded a total of 2354 paper planes. If Group X folded 1567 paper planes, how many more paper planes did Group X fold than Group Y?
4 m
Level 3
Julie bought 14 kg of flour. She packed them into 4 packets. Each packet had the same mass.
  1. What is the maximum mass of each packet of rice?
  2. How many kilograms of rice were left?
4 m
Level 2
Alan and Bernard saved $75 altogether. Alan and Clara saved $145 altogether. If Clara saved thrice as much as Bernard, how much did Alan save?
4 m
Level 3
Stacey collected 2350 shells. Jane collected 467 fewer shells than Stacey.
  1. How many shells did Jane collect?
  2. How many shells did both of them collect?
4 m
Level 2
Michelle, Rebecca and Chris collected some dolls. Michelle had four times as many dolls as Chris, and Rebecca had twice as many dolls as Chris. If Michelle had 8 more dolls than Rebecca, how many dolls did the 3 girls collect in total?
4 m
Level 3
On Saturday, 2356 tourists visited the Art Museum. On Sunday, 1250 fewer tourists visited the Art Museum.
  1. How many tourists visited the museum on Sunday?
  2. What was the total number of tourists at the museum over the weekend?
4 m
Level 2
Alicia, Betty and Clara collected some buttons. Alicia had thrice as many buttons as Betty, and Betty had 8 more buttons than Clara. If they had a total of 102 buttons, how many buttons did less buttons did Betty have than Alicia?
4 m