Level 3
Mr Yap bought some pizzas for a group of pupils. There is an equal number of girls and boys. The girls received 5 times as many pizzas as the boys. Each boy ate 13 of a pizza and the boys finished all the pizzas given to them. Each girl ate 16 of a pizza and the girls had 18 12 pizzas left. How many pizzas did Mr Yap buy?
5 m
Level 3
Jane and Tina had $652. Tina had $76 more than Jane. Jane spent 2 times as much as Tina and was left with 23 as much as Tina. How much did Jane spend?
4 m
Level 3
At a conference made up of speakers and participants, there were 10% more men than women. The ratio of the male speakers to female speakers was 8 : 5. There was an equal number of male and female participants.
  1. Find the ratio of male speakers to male participants at the conference at first.
  2. Halfway, 89 male participants left the conference and another 73 female participants joined the conference. In the end, there were 34 as many male participants as female participants remaining behind. How many speakers were there at the conference?
5 m
Level 3
Cathy and Queenie have some money. If Cathy spends $7, she will have 45 as much money as Queenie. If Queenie spends $3, Cathy will have 56 as much money as Queenie. How much money does Cathy have?
4 m
Level 3
In a theme park, there are 294 more girls than boys. 29 of the girls and 13 of the boys wear glasses. If 14 of the children wear glasses, how many children are there in the theme park?
4 m
Level 3
Billy put all his stickers into 30 large albums and 10 small albums. Each large album can hold 10 more stickers than each small album. 16 of his stickers were put into all the small albums and the rest were put into the large albums. How many stickers can be put into one large album?
5 m
Level 3
The number of ten-cent coins in a jar was 13 the number of fifty-cent coins. Zane took out 19 fifty-cent coins and exchanged them for ten-cent coins. Then he put the money back into the jar. The number of fifty-cent coins became 58 the number of ten-cent coins. How much money was there in the jar?
5 m
Level 3
There were 801 students at a cinema at first. After 27 of the girls and 12 of the boys left, there were still 103 more boys than girls at the cinema. How many boys were there at first?
5 m
Level 3 PSLE
The figure is made up of three rectangles. A straight line drawn across the rectangles, divides the figure into two parts: shaded and unshaded.
  1. The perimeter of the shaed part is 8 cm longer than the perimeter of the unshaded part. What is the length of AB?
  2. What is the area of the shaded part?
4 m
Level 3
In the figure, RKLP is a trapezium and triangles RPN and NRM are isosceles triangles. QJ, QL and JL are straight lines. RP = RN = NM. Find
  1. ∠x
  2. ∠y.
5 m