Level 3
Zoe had some yellow stickers and pink stickers in 2 baskets. In Basket A, the ratio of the number of yellow stickers to pink stickers was 6 : 5. In Basket B, the number of yellow stickers was 2 times the number of pink stickers. Zoe transferred 25 of the pink stickers from Basket A to Basket B. The number of stickers in Basket A became 144 and the ratio of the number of yellow stickers to pink stickers in Basket B became 6 : 7.
  1. How many pink stickers were transferred from Basket A to Basket B?
  2. What was the number of stickers in Basket B after the transfer?
5 m
Level 3
Jack, George, Henry and Asher shared $1495. Asher received 310 of the total amount of money received by Jack, George and Henry. Jack received 37 of the total amount for George and Henry. George received 23 as much money as Henry. If George gave all his money to Asher, how much did Asher have more than Jack in the end?
4 m
Level 3
Oscar, Ethan and Fred had some balls. Ethan had 40% more balls than Oscar. Ethan had 35 of Fred's. After Oscar gave 18 balls to Ethan, he had 12 of what Ethan had. How many more balls did Fred have than Ethan in the end?
5 m
Level 3
There were some pink erasers and blue erasers. The erasers were packed into 2 bags. At first, Bag A contained 480 erasers and 40% of them were blue erasers. Bag B contained 300 erasers and 80% of them were blue erasers. How many pink erasers and blue erasers in total must be moved from Bag A to Bag B such that 20% of the erasers in Bag A are pink and 50% of the erasers in Bag B are blue?
5 m
Level 3
Container A contains 480 blue buttons and 590 purple buttons. Container B contains 590 blue buttons and 410 purple buttons. How many blue buttons and purple buttons must be removed from Container B to put into Container A so that 50% of the buttons in Container A are blue and 60% of the buttons in Container B are blue?
5 m