Level 2
The perimeter of Square A is 52 m. The perimeter of Square B is 68 m. What is the difference between the areas of the 2 squares?
2 m
Level 1 PSLE
A square and a triangle have equal perimeters. The lengths of the three sides of the triangle are 6.3 cm, 8.1 cm and 9.6 cm. What is the area of the square?
2 m
Level 2
How many quarter circles are there in the figure?
2 m
Level 2
The figure shows 2 squares (not drawn to scale). The area of Square B is 4 times as big as the area of Square A. If Square B has an area of 36 cm2, what is the length of Square A?
2 m
Level 3
Jack had a square piece of paper. He cut out a rectangle from the square piece of paper as shown (not drawn to scale). The area of the rectangle is 36 cm2. What was the area of the square piece of paper before it was cut?
2 m
Level 2 PSLE
ABCD is a square of side 20 cm. It is formed from two rectangles AEGD and EBCG. H is a point on AD and F is a point on BC. Find the area of EFGH.
2 m
Level 2
How many quarter circles are there in the figure?
2 m
Level 2
A square card is cut into 4 smaller square pieces equally. The area of each smaller square piece is 9 cm2. What is the perimeter of the card at first?
2 m
Level 2
The figure, not drawn to scale, is made up of a rectangle and a square. The area of the square is 64 cm2. Find the length of the rectangle.
2 m
Level 2
How many quarter circles can you find in the figure?
2 m
Level 2 PSLE
Robert cut out three identical right-angled triangles. He joined them to form the figure PQRS shown. RS = 12 cm and SP = 10 cm. The perimeter of the figure is 36 cm. Find the area of the figure PQRS.
2 m
Level 2 PSLE
Rectangle ACEF is made up of two squares and two rectangles. AB = 2 cm and BC = 3 cm. What fraction of rectangle ACEF is shaded?
2 m
Level 2
The figure is formed by 4 shapes. What are the shapes formed?
2 m
Level 2
In the figure (not drawn to scale), ABCD is a rectangle and EGCF is a square. The area of EGCF is 81cm2. Find the length of BG.
2 m
Level 2 PSLE
A parallelogram ABCD is drawn on a square grid.
  1. Using the line XY, identify point Z on the grid to draw triangle XYZ such that it has the same perimeter as ABCD and XY = YZ. Give your number in number. (Eg 1)
  2. Find the ratio of the area of XYZ to the area of ABCD.
2 m
Level 2
What is the area of Triangle ABC as shown in the figure?
2 m
Level 2
In the figure, what is the area of Triangle MON?
2 m
Level 2
What is the area of Triangle ABC as shown?
2 m
Level 2
In the figure, given that Triangle EFG has a perimeter of 46 cm, what is its area?
2 m
Level 2
A piece of wire is used to bend a triangle as shown in the figure (not drawn to scale). It is then straightened and used to bend a square. What is the length of the square?
2 m