Level 3
There were some pears, guavas and mangoes. The number of pears was three times the number of guavas. The total number of pears and guavas was half of the number of mangoes. There were 180 fruits altogether. All the mangoes were sold at 6 for $20. How much money was collected from the sale of the mangoes?
4 m
Linda sold $1078 worth of dresses and jumpsuits. She earned $110 less on the jumpsuits than the dresses. Each jumpsuit is sold for $4 more than each dress. The number of jumpsuits sold was 23 of the number of dresses sold.
  1. How much did Linda earn from the sales of the dresses?
  2. How many dresses were sold?
4 m
Level 3
Fion used 47 of the flour to bake a cake. She used 14 of the remaining flour to bake some muffins. Given that Fion was left with 450 g of flour, how much flour did she have at first?
4 m
Level 3
Betty had a total of 39 pieces of $2 and $100 notes at first. She spent 25 of the number of $2 notes and received another 9 pieces of $100 notes from her mother. After that, the number of $100 notes she had was 12 of the remaining notes. How much money did Betty have at first?
5 m
Level 3
Serena used 25 of the flour and an additional 50 g to bake some cake. She used 14 of the remaining flour to bake some muffins. Given that Serena was left with 156 g of flour, how much flour did she have at first?
4 m
Level 3
Mrs Lim baked 15 as many banana muffins as chocolate muffins. She also baked 23 as many banana muffins as blueberry muffins. If she baked a total of 120 muffins, how many banana muffins did she bake?
4 m
Level 3
Henry and Peter had $690. Henry spent 49 of his money on a television. Peter spent 14 of his money on a stereo system. The television cost $140 more than the stereo system. How much money had Henry left?
5 m
Level 3
Kylie had half the amount of coins Xavier had. Xavier had 3 times the amount of coins as Peter. There were a total of 33 coins. How many more coins did Kylie have than Peter?
4 m
Level 3
Jessa, Tessa and Titus shared some cookies. Jessa took 6 more than 14 of the cookies. Tessa took 2 more than 23 of the rest of the cookies. Titus took the last 12 cookies. How many cookies did Tessa take?
4 m
Level 3
The number of ten-cent coins in a jar was 13 the number of fifty-cent coins. Zane took out 19 fifty-cent coins and exchanged them for ten-cent coins. Then he put the money back into the jar. The number of fifty-cent coins became 58 the number of ten-cent coins. How much money was there in the jar?
5 m