Level 2 PSLE
Sue had a box of black beads and red beads in the ratio 13 : 7. She removed an equal number of black beads and red beads from the box. The ratio of the number of black beads and red beads left in the box became 3 : 1. What percentage of the beads were left in the box?
2 m
Level 2
The age of Will is 57 of Henry's age. 3 years later, the ratio of Will's age to Henry's age is 3 : 4. How old is Henry at first?
2 m
Level 2
Anna had $20 more than Betty at first. After Anna and Betty spent an equal amount of money, Betty had 35 as much as Anna. How much money did Anna have left?
2 m
Level 2
The ratio of Kelly's savings to Tricia's savings is 2 : 5. If Kelly saves $24 more and Tricia spends $12, they will have the same amount of money. How much is Tricia's savings?
2 m
Level 2
Charles and Lily had the same number of sweets. After Lily gave away 15 sweets and Charles gave away 45 sweets, Lily had 4 times as many sweets as Charles. How many sweets did each of them have at first?
2 m