Level 3
Renee had $420 less than Tom. Tom spent 0.6 of his money and Renee spent 0.5 of her money. In the end, Tom and Renee had the same amount of money left. Find the amount of money Renee had at first.
3 m
Level 3
Water flows into a tank at the rate of 45 ℓ per minute. After 10 min, the tap is turned off and the tank is 0.6 filled with water.
  1. How much more water is needed to fill it to the brim?
  2. The water in the tank is then poured into containers each 1.5 m long, 0.3 m wide and 10 cm high. What is the minimum number of containers needed?
4 m
Level 3
In an art class of 84 students, 0.125 of the girls passed the drawing test and 45 of the boys passed the drawing test. A total of 24 students passed the drawing test. How many girls failed the drawing test?
4 m
Level 3
Jeremy has a crate containing some red and green grapes. If he adds in 10 bunches of red grapes, 0.6 of the bunches of grapes in the carton will be green grapes. If he adds in 30 bunches of green grapes, 34 of the bunches of grapes in the carton will be green grapes. How many bunches of grapes are there in crate?
5 m
Level 3
Andrew, Bryan and Charlie had the same number of marbles. Charlie gave 0.5 of his marbles to Bryan. Then Bryan gave 0.25 of his marbles to Andrew. Finally, after Bryan gave 30 marbles to Charlie, he had the same number of marbles as Charlie. How many marbles did Charlie have at first?
5 m