Level 3
Adam and Bryan have 100 stickers.
If Adam gives Bryan 30 stickers, they will have equal number of stickers.
  1. How many stickers does Adam have?
  2. How many stickers does Bryan have?
4 m
Level 3
Adam has 100 stickers and Bryan has 3 times as many stickers as Adam.
  1. How many stickers must Bryan give to Adam so that they have equal number of stickers?
  2. How many stickers will each boy have in the end?
4 m
Level 3
Adam and Bryan have 100 stickers.
After Adam gives Bryan 10 stickers,
Adam has 20 more stickers than Bryan.
  1. How many stickers does Adam have at first?
  2. How many stickers does Bryan have in the end?
4 m
Level 3
Adam and Bryan have some stickers.
When Adam gives Bryan some stickers, Bryan's stickers is doubled.
In the end, both have 300 stickers each.
  1. How many stickers does Bryan have at first?
  2. How many stickers does Adam have at first?
4 m
Level 3
The line graph shows the number of boys and girls in each sports school.
  1. How many pupils were there in Sports School B?
  2. How many more girls than boys were there in Sports School C?
  3. At the end of the year, an equal number of boys and girls from Sports School D were transferred to Sports School A. The fraction of the number of boys to girls in Sports School A becomes 23. Find the total number of boys and girls that were transferred from Sports School D to Sports School A.
4 m
Level 3
A tank contained 3.7 ℓ more water than a pail. After some water was poured from the tank to the pail, both the tank and the pail had 6 ℓ of water each. How much water was there in the pail at first?
3 m
Level 3
Keith has 25 as many stickers as Janet. They have a total of 280 stickers. How many stickers must Janet give to Keith so that they will have the same number of stickers?
4 m
Level 3
Risa has 37 as many cards as Abi. They have a total of 160 cards. How many cards must Abi give to Risa so that they will have the same number of cards?
4 m
Level 3
Reggie and Zane had a total of 144 cards. Zane had half as many cards as Reggie. How many cards must Reggie give to Zane so they have an equal number of cards?
4 m
Level 3
Nellie read 14 of a storybook. If she had read another 147 pages, she would have read 56 of the whole storybook altogether. How many pages were there in the storybook?
4 m