Level 2
Adam is 25 years old.
Bryan is 5 years old.
In a few years' time, Adam will be 3 times as old as Bryan.
  1. In how many years' time will Adam be 3 times as old as Bryan?
  2. How old will Adam be by that time?
3 m
Level 2
Adam is 35 years old.
Bryan is 15 years old.
A few years ago, Adam was 3 times as old as Bryan.
  1. How many years ago was Adam 3 times as old as Bryan?
  2. How old was Adam then?
3 m
Level 2
Adam has 90 red stickers.
He has 3 times as many red stickers as blue stickers.
After he buys an equal number of red and blue stickers, the number of red stickers is 2 times that of the blue stickers.
  1. How many red stickers are there in the end?
  2. How many blue stickers are there in the end?
  3. How many stickers are there in the end?
  4. How many stickers does Adam buy?
4 m
Level 2
Adam has 80 red stickers.
He has 2 times as many red stickers than blue stickers.
After he gives away an equal number of red and blue stickers,
the number of red stickers is 3 times that of the blue stickers.
  1. How many red stickers are there in the end?
  2. How many blue stickers are there in the end?
  3. How many stickers are there in the end?
  4. How many stickers does Adam give away?
4 m
Level 3
Shop X had 68 kg of salt and Shop Y had 128 kg of salt. After both shops sold an equal amount of salt, Shop X had 25 as much salt as Shop Y. How much salt did both shops sell?
3 m
Level 3
The figure is made up of 2 squares of different sizes. The area of the small square is 50% of the area of the big square. The overlapped shaded area is 20 cm2. The area of the unshaded small square is 25 the area of the unshaded big square. Find the area of the small square.
3 m
Level 2
Adam is 20 years old.
The total age of Adam and Bryan is 80 years.
How many years ago was the ratio of Adam's age to Bryan's age 1 : 5?
2 m
Level 2
Adam is 10 years old. The total age of Adam and Bryan is 50 years. How many years' time will the ratio of Adam's age to Bryan's age be 1 : 3?
2 m
Level 2
Adam has 30 blue stickers and 70 red stickers.
After giving away the same number of stickers,
the ratio of the blue stickers and the red stickers becomes 1 : 3.
How many stickers are given away?
2 m
Level 2
Adam has 30 blue stickers and 120 red stickers.
After buying the same number of stickers,
the ratio of the blue stickers and the red stickers becomes 1 : 3.
How many stickers does he buy?
2 m
Level 2
The ratio of the number of blue stickers to red stickers is 5 : 2.
After Adam gives away another 10 blue stickers and 10 red stickers,
the ratio of the number of blue stickers to red stickers is 3 : 1.
How many stickers does Adam have now?
3 m
Level 2
The ratio of the number of blue stickers to red stickers is 3 : 1.
After Adam buys another 10 blue stickers and 10 red stickers,
the ratio of the number of blue stickers to red stickers is 5 : 2.
How many stickers does Adam have now?
3 m
Level 3
Titus bought some custard and apple pastry puffs in the ratio of 7 : 6. After Titus's classmates ate an equal number of the two types of pastry puffs, there were 35% fewer apple than custard pastry puffs. In the end, there were 165 pastry puffs left. How many pastry puffs of each type were eaten?
4 m
Level 3
In January, Anna and Ryan had stamps in the ratio 5 : 2. In February, each of them gave away the same number of stamps. Anna then had thrice as many stamps as Ryan.
  1. Find the ratio of the number of stamps Ryan had in January to the number of stamps he had in February.
  2. Find the ratio of the total number of stamps both had in January to the total number of stamps both had in February.
4 m
Level 3
The area of the triangle to the area of the rectangle in the figure is in the ratio 3 : 2. After the shaded rectangle of length 8 cm is removed from the figure, the ratio of the remaining area of the triangle to the remaining area of the rectangle is 5 : 3. Given that the area of the triangle is 32 cm2 more than the area of the rectangle, find the width of the shaded rectangle that is being removed.
4 m
Level 3
Daniel saved some 50-cent coins and $1 notes in his coin box. The total value of the 50-cent coins to the total value of the $1 notes he had was in the ratio 2 : 5. After $14 worth of 50-cent coins and an equal value of $1 notes were added to the coin box, the ratio of the total value of 50-cent coins to the total value of $1 notes became 5 : 9. How many of each type did Daniel have in the end?

  1. 50-cent coins?
  2. $1 notes?
5 m
Level 2
There was 11 ? of water in a pail and 1.8 ? of water in a basin. Warren then poured in an equal volume of water into each container. Now, the volume of water in the pail is 5 times in the basin. How much water did Warren pour into each container?
2 m
Level 3
At the beginning of the year, the number of members in Club A and Club B were in the ratio 5 : 7. At the end of Term One, some members left Club A to join Club B. The ratio of the number of members in Club A and Club B became 1 : 3. At the middle of Term Two, each club received 54 new members. The ratio of the number of members in Club A and Club B became 2: 3. How many members left Club A to join Club B at the end of Term One?
5 m
Level 3
The number of safety cones along the road was 55% of the number of trees planted along it. After 68 safety cones and 68 trees were added to the stretch of road, the number of trees became 20% more than the number of safety cones. How many trees were there at first?
4 m
Level 3
The figure shows an irregular 5-sided figure and a square. The area of the five-sided figure was three times the area of the square. After the shaded part was removed, the area of the remaining square became 15% of the total remaining area of both figures. If the area of the shaded part is 16 cm2, find the remaining area of the 5-sided figure.
4 m