Level 3
The average number of mangosteens in Carton C, Carton D and Carton E is 24 and it is 8 more than the average number of papayas in the 3 cartons. 16 of the papayas are in Carton C and the papayas in Carton C is 80% of the number of papayas in Carton D. If each carton has the same number of fruits, what percentage of the fruits in Carton E are mangosteens?
5 m
Level 3
In a shop, the number of cartons of mangosteen juice sold was 15 the number of cartons left. When 42 more cartons were sold, the total number of cartons sold was 28 less than 813 the number of cartons the shop had at first. How many cartons were there at first?
4 m
Level 3
On Monday, 700 more youths than children attended a concert. On Tuesday, the number of youths decreased by 30% and the number of children increased by 80%. 1240 audience attended the concert on Tuesday. If each ticket cost $12, how much money was collected from the sale of concert tickets for the two days?
5 m
Level 3
Olivia, Zoe, Betty and Natalie received a sum of money. Olivia received 38 of the total amount of money Zoe, Betty and Natalie received. Zoe received 17 of the total amount of money Betty and Natalie received. Betty received 13 as much money as Natalie. If Olivia received $275 more than Betty, find the total sum of money the 4 girls received.
4 m
Level 3
Olivia, Natalie and Kate have 264 marbles. Natalie has 79 as many marbles as Olivia. Kate's marbles is 12 of the total number of Olivia's and Natalie's marbles. How many marbles must Natalie give to Kate so that both Olivia and Kate will have the same number of marbles?
4 m
Level 3
Sarah bought a total of 300 big and small candies. Then she decided to exchange 60% of her big candies for the small ones in the ratio of 3 : 5. After the exchange, she had 366 candies. What percentage of the candies she bought were small ones?
5 m
Level 3
Jack, George, Henry and Asher shared $1495. Asher received 310 of the total amount of money received by Jack, George and Henry. Jack received 37 of the total amount for George and Henry. George received 23 as much money as Henry. If George gave all his money to Asher, how much did Asher have more than Jack in the end?
4 m
Level 3
The number of 20-cent coins in a basket was 100% more than the number of 10-cent coins. 13 twenty-cent coins were taken out and exchanged for 10-cent coins. The number of 20-cent coins became 58 less than the number of 10-cent coins. How much money is there in the basket?
5 m
Level 3
20% of the people are performers for a concert and the rest are spectators. 80% of the spectators are adults and there are 3900 more adults spectators than children spectators. How many adult spectators must leave so that 25% of the people in the concert are adult spectators?
5 m
Level 3
Vincent has some 20-cent coins and 50-cent coins which amount to more than $20 but less than $54. The number of 20-cent coins is 14 of all the coins he has. When he exchanges some 50-cent coins for 20-cent coins, the ratio of the number of 50-cent coins to 20-cent coins he now has become 1 : 6.
  1. What is the largest possible amount of money Vincent has?
  2. What is the total value of 50-cent coins that has been exchanged for 20-cent coins? Express the answer to 2 decimal place.
5 m
Level 3
Last month Mr Zhang gave his wife, Anna $4000 for household expenditure. Anna spent 60% of the sum on rental, 30% on food and saved the rest. This month, Mr Zhang reduced the sum he gave to Anna. Anna spent the same amount on rental and reduced the amount she spent on food by 30%. She saved the remaining 10% of the sum given to her this month. By what percentage was the sum given to Anna reduced?
5 m
Level 3
The total number of beads in Basket W, Basket X and Basket Y was 273. 29 of the beads from Basket W and 21 beads from Basket X were removed. More beads were then added into Basket Y until the number of beads in it was doubled. The ratio of the number of beads in Basket W to Basket X to Basket Y became 7 : 2 : 2.
  1. How many more beads were there in Basket W than Basket X at first?
  2. Find the total number of beads in Basket W and Basket Y in the end.
5 m
Level 3
There were some pink erasers and blue erasers. The erasers were packed into 2 bags. At first, Bag A contained 480 erasers and 40% of them were blue erasers. Bag B contained 300 erasers and 80% of them were blue erasers. How many pink erasers and blue erasers in total must be moved from Bag A to Bag B such that 20% of the erasers in Bag A are pink and 50% of the erasers in Bag B are blue?
5 m
Level 3
In a thrift shop, the number of beads was 23 of the total number of beads and erasers together. The shopkeeper sold the beads and erasers in sets of 1 bead and 4 erasers. After selling all the erasers, he still had 133 beads left. How many erasers were in the thrift shop at first?
4 m
Level 3
A store had 390 story books. There were Chinese, Malay and English story books in the ratio of 4 : 3 : 6. When the store assistant brought in another 60 new story books, the number of Chinese story books was increased by 20% and the number of Malay story books was increased by 110.
  1. What was the number of English story books that the store assistant brought in?
  2. What was the percentage increase in the number of English story books?
5 m
Level 3
20% of Nick's savings was $120 more than 30% of Will's savings. After Nick spent 23 of his savings and Will spent 40% of his savings, Nick had $13 more than Will. How much was Nick's saving at first?
5 m
Level 3
Container A contains 480 blue buttons and 590 purple buttons. Container B contains 590 blue buttons and 410 purple buttons. How many blue buttons and purple buttons must be removed from Container B to put into Container A so that 50% of the buttons in Container A are blue and 60% of the buttons in Container B are blue?
5 m
Level 3
There were 229 lemons and soursops in a stall at first. After 15 of the lemons and 12 of the soursops were sold, there were a total of 182 lemons and soursops now. How many lemons are there now?
4 m
Level 2 PSLE
The pie chart shows how Zoe spent her money. The amount of money spent is also represented by the bar graph.
  1. What percentage of her money did Zoe spend on food?
  2. What fraction of her money did Zoe spend on books?
  3. How much of her money was spent on transport?
5 m
Level 3
Mr Zane had to collect some fruits from two stalls and deliver some fruits to another stall. He collected from Stall W and the ratio of avocados to papayas was 2 : 3. When he reached Stall X, he unloaded 56 of the papayas and some avocados from his vehicle. The ratio of avocados to papayas became 4 : 5. At Stall Y, 124 avocados and 26 papayas were collected and the number of avocados to papayas became the same.
  1. How many fruits were there on his vehicle after visiting Stall Y?
  2. How many avocados were delivered to Stall X?
5 m