Level 1
Find the missing denominator in 57 = 15?.
1 m
Level 1
What is the missing number in the number pattern.
20, 22, 26, 32,      , 50
1 m
Level 1
Express in numerals.  
Eight hundred and nineteen.
1 m
Level 1
Find the following values without a calculator.
  1. 18 - 14 = _______
  2. 25 - 13 = _______
  3. 40 - 3 = _______
  4. 80 - 15 = _______
1 m
Level 1
Find the following values without a calculator.
  1. 3 + 42 = _____
  2. 35 + 20 = _____
  3. 24 + 43 = _____
  4. 55 + 46 = _____
2 m
Level 1
Find the following values without a calculator.
  1. 5 + 4 = _____
  2. 9 + 7 = _____
  3. 12 + 7 = _____
2 m
Level 1
Find the following values without a calculator.
  1. 345 + 200 = _____
  2. 426 + 322 = _____
  3. 252 + 125 = _____
2 m
Level 2
Find the following values without a calculator.

Give your answers using the first letter of the word. (Eg more (m), less (l))
  1. 213 is _____ than 123
  2. 718 is _____ than 178
  3. 5376 is _____ than 5736
  4. 2641 is _____ than 2614
1 m
Level 1
Find the following values without a calculator.
  1. 352 x 10 = _____
  2. 7421 x 100 = _____
  3. 7781 x 1000 = _____
  4. 98765 x 10000 = _____
1 m
Level 1
If we circle the objects in groups of 10, fill in the missing numbers.
(a) _____tens and (b) _____ones make (c) _____ .
3 m