Level 2
X, Y and Z are centres of three identical circles. The length of XY is 7.2 m. XY, YZ and XZ are equal in length. Find the shaded area of the figure. (Take π = 3.14) Correct to 2 decimal places.
2 m
Level 3
The diagram shows 3 containers of different dimensions, each separated by a partition. Tank C, measuring 20 m by 15 m by 21 m, is filled with water to its brim. Tank B is an empty cuboidal container with a length of 10 m. Slider 1 is lifted to release 14 of the water from Tank C to Tank B, after which the partition is slid down to separate Tank C and Tank B. Next, Slider 2 is removed and some water from Tank B flows into Tank A such that the height of the water level of Tank B and Tank A is 7 m.
  1. What is the length of Tank A?
  2. How many m3 of water are there in Tank B?
3 m
Level 3 PSLE
The figure is made up of two rectangles, ABHF and FGDE, and two right-angled isosceles triangles, BCH and DCG. BA = 13 cm, DE = 8 cm and BH = w cm. AFE and CHGF are straight lines.
  1. Find the length of AE in terms of w. Give your answer in the simplest form.
  2. Find the total area of the figure when w = 16.
3 m
Level 3 PSLE
The figure shows two stacks of identical paper cups. There are 5 cups in the shorter stack and 11 cups in the longer one. The length of the shorter stack is 15 cm and the length of the longer stack is 27 cm. Alle wants to pack the paper cups as a single stack into a box 35 m long. What is the most number of cones he can pack into the box?
3 m
Level 3
The length of Bamboo Pole G is 14 of the length of Bamboo Pole H and the length of Bamboo Pole H is 13 of the length of Bamboo Pole I and 110 of the length of Bamboo Pole J. What fraction of the total length of the 4 planks is Bamboo Pole I?
3 m
Level 3
After Mr Lim had stacked up 10 chairs in the Conference Room after a meeting, he noticed 3 things. Firstly, each of the chairs was stacked the same height above the other. Secondly, the foot of the 4th chair was 37.5 cm above that of the first. Thirdly, the chairs reached a height of 205.2 cm. What is the height of each chair?
4 m
Level 3 PSLE
At a swimathon, each swimmer completed either a 2-km route, a 4-km route or an 5-km route. 15 of the swimmers completed the 2-km route, 720 of the participants completed the 4-km route and the rest completed the 5-km route. For every 1 km a participant swam, $8 was donated to charity. A total of $12960 was donated to charity.
  1. What is the ratio of the number of swimmers who completed the 2-km route to the number who completed the 4-km route to the number who completed the 5-km route?
  2. What is the total number of swimmers at the swimathon?
4 m
Level 3
The perimeter of the figure formed by 3 squares, A, B and C, is 54 cm. The length of Square C is 12 the length of Square B. The length of Square A is twice the length of Square B. Find the area of Square A.
3 m
Level 3
Each figure is made up of a number of identical sticks of 1-cm length.
  1. Find the perimeter of Figure 50.
  2. Find the number of sticks in Figure 100.
  3. Given that a figure has a perimeter, P, of 254 cm, find the number of squares in this figure.
4 m
Level 3
Rectangle WXYZ is made up of an unshaded rectangle, an unshaded square and two shaded rectangles. The area of the square is 25 cm2 and the perimeter of the unshaded rectangle is 78 cm. What is the total area of the 2 shaded rectangles?
3 m
Level 3
The figure shows 2 rectangles. The length of the bigger rectangle is (6m + 8) cm and the breadth is half its length. Find the perimeter of the smaller rectangle.
4 m
Level 3
The perimeter of triangle A is equal to that of rectangle B.
  1. Find the length of rectangle B in terms of k.
  2. If k = 3, find the area of rectangle B.
4 m
Level 3
A pattern is made by putting shaded squares of unit length around a white square of similar unit length. He then continues to make patterns as shown in Figure 2 and Figure 3.
  1. Which figure uses 100 white squares?
  2. Find the number of shaded squares in Figure 30.
  3. Find the total number of squares in Figure 60.
4 m
Level 3
Roger had two planks of the same length. He sawed one plank into equal parts of length 90 cm. In each part he drilled 6 small holes as shown in Figure 1. After that, he sawed the other plank into equal parts of length 1.5 m and in each part, he drilled 8 big holes as shown in Figure 2. When he finished drilling, he counted that there were 12 more small holes than big holes. If all the holes are spaced equally, how many holes were there altogether?
4 m
Level 3
A rectangle has a length of 16 cm and a breadth of 4q cm. Find
  1. its area in terms of q,
  2. its perimeter in terms of q,
  3. the area of the rectangle if q = 3.
4 m
Level 3
310 of the tank is filled with water. Another 210 litres of water are needed to fill the tank to its brim.
  1. What is the volume of the tank?
  2. The Height of the tank is 60 cm and its length is 100 cm. Find the perimeter of its base.
4 m
Level 3 PSLE
A path of length 28 m is completely covered with identical tiles, following the pattern shown. The width of the path is 70 cm. How many tiles were used to cover the entire path?
3 m
Level 3 PSLE
Figure 1 shows a square tile made up of 2 grey squares, A and B and 2 identical white rectangles C. The length of 1 side of square A is twice the length of 1 side of square B.
  1. What fraction of the square tile in Figure 1 is grey?
  2. Figure 2 shows a wall laid with square tiles. The wall is 9 m by 9 m and is completed covered with square tiles. Find the total area of the wall covered by grey squares.
3 m
Level 3 PSLE
Six identical rectangular boxes can be stacked into a cupboard 0.9 m wide. Two arrangements are shown. The first arrangement in Figure A leaves a 42 cm gap at the top. The second one in Figure B leaves a 10 cm gap at the top and another gap at the side.
  1. In the arrangement shown in Figure B, what is the width of the gap at the side in m?
  2. What is the height of the cupboard in metres?
3 m
Level 3
The figure shows a tank 45 filled with water. The tank is made up of two cuboids. The top cuboid has a square base of length 10 m and a height of 16 m. The bottom cuboid has a square base of length 5 m and height 12 m. Find the height of the water level from the base of the container.
4 m