Level 3
ABFG is a square. The length of CD is 35 of BF and the area of BCDE is 864 cm2. Given BC = EF, Find the area of the shaded parts.
4 m
Level 3
The figure is made up of 4 rectangles. The lengths and breadths of each rectangle are in whole numbers. Find the area of the shaded rectangle.
4 m
Level 3
ABCD is a rectangle. BC is 48 cm and AB is twice of BC. Find the area of Triangle CXY.
4 m
Level 3
The diagram shows a park which comprises the picnic area and the fountain area. The cost of building the picnic area covering the whole area of Square ABCD is $20 per square metre and the cost of fencing the fountain area is $12 per metre. Given that FH is 250 m, AB is 38 of GK and FE is 150 m, find
  1. the cost of building the picnic area.
  2. the cost of fencing the fountain.
4 m
Level 3
Six identical rectangular parcels are packed into a rectangular box with a width of 80 cm. The top view of two possible arrangements are shown below. The first arrangement shown leaves gaps of 23 cm and 15 cm. The second arrangement shown leaves a 34 cm gap. What is the length of the other gap in the second arrangement?
4 m
Level 3
The figure, not drawn to scale, shows Square X and Square Y inside Square ABCD. The area of Square Y is 49 cm2 and the area of Square ABCD is 144 cm2.
  1. Find the length of one side of Square X.
  2. Find the perimeter of the shaded region.
4 m
Level 3
Figure A is a rectangle with an area of 192 cm2. The breadth of the rectangle is 34 as long as its length. Figure B is a square. Given that both figures have the same perimeter, find the area of Figure B.
4 m
Level 3
In the figure, Rectangle PQRS is made up of 8 identical rectangles. OR = 16 cm and SU = UY. Find the area of Triangle SQU.
4 m
Level 3
The figure is a square that is made up of 3 identical rectangles. The square has an area of 36 cm2. Find the perimeter of the shaded rectangle.
4 m
Level 3
Mr Lim had a square garden as shown in the diagram. He built a path of width 1 m around it. Given that the area of the path was 9 m2, find the area of the garden.
4 m