Level 1
What number is 0.001 less than 4?
1 m
Marcus and Nicole each had the same volume of water. The water was used to pour into identical bottles. Marcus filled up 15 bottles and had 3 ℓ of water left. Nicole filled up bottles and had 5 ℓ of water left.
  1. What was the capacity of each bottle? Give your answer in millilitres.
  2. What was the total volume of water Marcus and Nicole had at first? Give your answer in litres.
Level 1
Write the following as a decimal: 12 tens 5 ones 6 tenths 3 hundredths and 4 thousandths
1 m
Level 1
What is the difference between 6.25 kg and 8 kg 50 g? Give the answer in kilograms.
1 m
Level 1
Fill in the blanks with the correct answers.
Give your answers in sequence. (Eg 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

300.05 = ___ hundreds ___ tens ___ tenths ___ hundredths
1 m