Level 3
Cole, Oliver and Simon had 270 buttons. After Cole used 8 buttons and Oliver used 37 of her buttons, Cole had four times as many buttons left as Oliver. Simon bought another 17 buttons, he had twice the number of buttons Oliver had left. How many buttons did Simon have at first?
4 m
Level 3
A snail is climbing to the top of a wall. It starts from the bottom of the wall and after climbing 25 of the height of the wall, it begins to rain. During the rain, the snail slips down 2 m. When the rain stops, the snail climbs up the remaining 710 of the height of the wall to reach the top of the wall. Find the height of the wall.
4 m
Level 3
Nora and Hazel used the same number of lychees to bake cakes. Nora used 25 of her lychees and Hazel used 35 of her lychees. They had a total of 125 lychees at first.
  1. How many lychees did each girl use?
  2. How many lychees did both girls have left altogether?
4 m
Level 3
49 of a jug was filled with water. When 125 mℓ of water was poured in, the jug became half full. What was the capacity of the jug?
4 m
Level 3
Gwen had some Chinese and English novels. She sold 13 of her Chinese novels and 14 of her English novels. 78 of the books sold were Chinese books. What fraction of the novels did Gwen sell?
4 m