Level 3
Mrs Lim baked 15 as many banana muffins as chocolate muffins. She also baked 23 as many banana muffins as blueberry muffins. If she baked a total of 120 muffins, how many banana muffins did she bake?
4 m
Level 3
Henry and Peter had $690. Henry spent 49 of his money on a television. Peter spent 14 of his money on a stereo system. The television cost $140 more than the stereo system. How much money had Henry left?
5 m
Level 3
Kylie had half the amount of coins Xavier had. Xavier had 3 times the amount of coins as Peter. There were a total of 33 coins. How many more coins did Kylie have than Peter?
4 m
Level 3
Jessa, Tessa and Titus shared some cookies. Jessa took 6 more than 14 of the cookies. Tessa took 2 more than 23 of the rest of the cookies. Titus took the last 12 cookies. How many cookies did Tessa take?
4 m
Level 3
The number of ten-cent coins in a jar was 13 the number of fifty-cent coins. Zane took out 19 fifty-cent coins and exchanged them for ten-cent coins. Then he put the money back into the jar. The number of fifty-cent coins became 58 the number of ten-cent coins. How much money was there in the jar?
5 m