Level 2
Find the missing number.
3 m
Level 3
Using dots to form a series of inverted T-shaped patterns, the first three patterns are as shown. Find the number of dots needed to form the following patterns.
  1. Pattern 4
  2. Pattern 50
  3. Pattern 150
3 m
Level 2
Jane used 200 beads to make a necklace. She used 3 black beads for every 5 white beads to form the following pattern. What was the total number of black beads she used?
3 m
Level 2
Find the missing numbers.
  1. A
  2. B
3 m
Level 3
The following is a sequence of structures made by joining identical cubes with 1-cm sticks as edges.
  1. How many sticks are needed to make structure 10?
  2. How many sticks are needed to make structure 100?
  3. A structure is made using 252 sticks. Which structure is it?
3 m