Level 3
Abby spent $670.50 on a train ticket and 23 as much on a luggage. She was left with 16 of the total amount spent on the train ticket and luggage. She wanted to buy some souvenirs with her remaining money but realized that she was short of $381.75. How much did the souvenirs cost?
3 m
Level 3
A tank is 29 filled with water. Rachel poured in 8.3 litres of water and the tank is now 56 full. How much water can the tank hold if it is filled to the brim? Give your answer correct to 1 decimal place.
3 m
Level 2
There is a total of 600 children in a school. 80 of them like blue. There are 50 more children who like red than blue. Some children like yellow. The remaining 14 of the children like green. Find the ratio of the number of children who like green to those who like yellow.
3 m
Level 3
William had some coins. 40% of his coins were made up of 50-cent coins which was equal to the number of $1 coins. The rest of the coins were made up of 20-cent coins. Given that William had $16 more 50-cent coins than 20-cent coins, how many coins did William have altogether?
3 m
Level 3 PSLE
In the figure not drawn to scale, ACEG and BDFH are squares. AB, CD, EF and GH are of the same length. The ratio of AB : BC is 3 : 1.
  1. What fraction of square ACEG is shaded?
  2. If the length of the square is 96 cm, find the unshaded area in cm2.
3 m
Level 3
In the figure, not drawn to scale, 40% of the triangle XEZ is shaded. The ratio of the shaded part of circle to the unshaded part of the circle is 5 : 9. What percentage of the rectangle WXZY is shaded?
3 m
Level 3
A tea shop owner bought a sack of tea. He kept 37 of the tea for his mother and gave away some of the leftovers. He gave away 2 45 kg to his friend and 38 of the rest to his neighbour. He saved the remaining 3.5 kg for his own use. How much tea did he have originally?
3 m
Level 3 PSLE
Bryan had a number of books for sale. He sold a total of 342 books on Saturday and Sunday. On Monday, he sold 14 of the remainder. He was left with 18% of the books he had at first. How many books did he have at first?
3 m
Level 3
30% of Edward's marbles is equal to 13 of Benjamin's marbles. Together, they have a total of 380 marbles. Find the number of marbles Edward has.
3 m
Level 3
Ellie had $360 less than Kenny. Ellie spent 14 of her money and Kenny spent 47 of his money. In the end, Kenny and Ellie had the same amount of money left. Find the amount of money Kenny had at first.
3 m