Level 2
86 x 18 - 27 ÷ 4
= (a) _______ x  14
= (b) _______
2 m
Level 1
Convert the fraction to
(a) a mixed number with a denominator of 10.
(b) a decimal.    

2112 = (a) _____ ; (b) _____
2 m
Level 3
Using dots to form a series of inverted T-shaped patterns, the first three patterns are as shown. Find the number of dots needed to form the following patterns.
  1. Pattern 4
  2. Pattern 50
  3. Pattern 150
3 m
Level 1
Write your answers in the spaces provided. Write in numerals.
  1. Six thousand, five hundred and four.
  2. Nine thousand and fifty-one.
2 m
Level 2
Every square in the figure is of side 1 cm. What is the area of the figure?
2 m