Level 3
The ratio of the amount of money that Anna and Yvonne brought along was 4 : 5. For a friend's birthday present, Anna and Yvonne shared the cost in the ratio of 2 : 3. Anna used up 25 of her money to pay for her share. After paying for her share, Yvonne had $78 left. How much was the birthday present?
4 m
Level 3
Rael, Peter and Zane had a total of 839 erasers. The ratio of Peter's erasers to Zane's erasers was 4 : 3 at first. Rael and Peter each gave away 12 of their erasers. Given that the three boys had 502 erasers left, how many erasers did Rael have at first?
4 m
Level 3
15 of the guests at a stadium were women. 80% of the remaining guests were men and the rest were children. The number of men was 476 more than the total number of women and children. After some men left the stadium, 20% of the guests that remained were men. How many men left the stadium?
4 m
Level 3
Vincent and George had 852 notebooks together. Vincent had 210 more notebooks than George. Both of them sold some of their notebooks. George sold 20% less notebooks than what Vincent sold. In the end, George had half as many notebooks left as Vincent. How many notebooks had Vincent left?
4 m
Level 3
Yvonne and Anna have some pens. If Yvonne gives 45 pens to Anna, Anna will have 4 times the number of pens as Yvonne. If Anna gives 104 pens to Yvonne, Yvonne will have 13 as many pens as Anna. How many pens does Yvonne have at first?
4 m
Level 3
The total volume of water in Watering Can A, Watering Can B and Watering Can C was 205 mℓ. I poured out half the volume of water from Watering Can A, doubled the amount of water in Watering Can B and added 55 mℓ of water into Watering Can C. The ratio of the volume of water in Watering Can A to Watering Can B to Watering Can C is now 5 : 4 : 8. Find the total volume of water in the three watering cans now.
4 m
Level 3
Lisa and Gillian had a total of 64 beads. Lisa gave 13 of her beads to Gillian. In return, Gillian gave 15 of the total number of beads that she had to Lisa. In the end, each girl had the same number of beads. How many beads did Gillian have at first?
4 m
Level 3
Hazel had $300 more than Wendy. Hazel gave 35 of her money to Wendy. Wendy then gave 25% of her money to Hazel. In the end, Wendy had $186 more than Hazel. How much did Hazel have at first?
4 m
Level 3
Kate had $280 more than Natalie. Kate gave 35 of her money to Natalie. Natalie then gave 25% of her money to Kate. In the end, Kate had $146 less than Natalie. How much did Kate have at first?
4 m
Level 3
Three cartons, A, B and C, contained 382 marbles. Hazel added some marbles into Carton A and the number of marbles in Carton A tripled. He took out half of the number of marbles from Carton B and added another 98 marbles into Carton C. As a result, the ratio of the number of marbles in Carton A, Carton B and Carton C became 6 : 2 : 9. What was the ratio of the number of marbles in Carton B to the total number of marbles in Carton A and Carton C at first? Give the answer in its lowest term.
4 m
Level 3 PSLE
Nick had doughnuts and Ethan had scones. Both gave half of what they had to each other. Nick sold 8 doughnuts and Ethan sold 42 scones. In the end, the ratios of doughnuts to scones for Nick and Ethan were 1 : 5 and 1 : 3 respectively. How many doughnuts did Nick have at first?
4 m
Level 3
Zoe spent $54 on some apples, oranges and grapefruits in the ratio of 1 : 5 : 3. The number of apples was 12 the number of oranges. The ratio of the number of grapefruits to the number of oranges was 3 : 2. The apples were sold at 2 for a dollar.
  1. How many fruits did she buy altogether?
  2. How much did each orange cost?
5 m
Level 3
Ruth spent $84 on some staplers, markers and files. The ratio of the amount of money she spent on the staplers, markers and files was 5 : 8 : 1. The markers were sold at 10 for $4. The number of staplers she bought was 12 the number of markers. The number of files she bought was 35 the number of markers. Find the price of 1 stapler.
5 m
Level 3
A total of 846 white rulers and violet rulers are in a container. The ratio of white rulers to violet rulers was 1 : 2. Some pink rulers and yellow rulers were put into the container. For every 4 violet rulers that were already in the container, 14 yellow ones were added. Then the final number of white rulers and pink rulers was 12 the final number of violet rulers and yellow rulers. Find the total number of pink and yellow rulers.
5 m
Level 3
England and Thailand took part in Youth Games. From England, the ratio of the number of male supporters to the number of female supporters was 1 : 3. From Thailand, the ratio of the number of male supporters to the number of female supporters was 3 : 5. The total number of supporters from England was 25 the total number of supporters from Thailand.
  1. What was the ratio of the number of male supporters from England to the total number of male supporters from both countries? Express the answer in the simplest form.
  2. After 1956 male supporters from both countries left, the percentage of all the female supporters became 74%. How many more female supporters from Thailand than England were there at first?
5 m
Level 3
Carl had a total of 90 notes. The notes are $10 notes and $5 notes. After he spent 20% of the $10 notes and 60% of the $5 notes on a stereo system, he was left with 4 times as many $5 notes as $10 notes. How much did the stereo system cost?
5 m
Level 3
Kate had some fruits at her stall. 34 of them were mangosteens, 13 of the remainder were apples and the rest were coconuts. The amounts earned for each mangosteen, each Fuji apple and each coconut sold are $1.50, $3.00 and $4.50 respectively.

The number of mangosteens sold to the number of apples sold to the number of coconuts sold was 3 : 5 : 3. In total, she sold 14 of the fruits and earned $198. How many coconuts did she have at first?
5 m
Level 3
Hazel, Olivia and Diana had a total of 767 marbles. The ratio of Olivia's marbles to Diana's marbles was at first 4 : 7. After Hazel and Olivia each gave half of their marbles away, the 3 children had 527 marbles left. How many marbles did Hazel and Diana have at first?
5 m
Level 3
In a factory, Machine A was turned on first and it produced 313 wontons. Then Machine A and Machine B were turned on at the same time to continue production. For every 4 wontons Machine A produced, Machine B produced 6 wontons. Machine B produced 45 less than 12 of the total number of wontons produced. How many wontons were produced altogether?
5 m
Level 3
Tim had 672 coins. 27 were pink and the rest were yellow and blue. The ratio of the number of yellow coins to the number of blue coins was 1 : 3. Tim decided to buy some more pink coins to increase the number of pink coins to half of the total number of coins.
  1. How many less yellow coins than pink coins did he have at first?
  2. How many more pink coins did he have to buy?
5 m