Level 1
The bar graph shows the average daily temperature experienced by Country A in a week. What was the difference in the highest and lowest average daily temperatures in that week?
2 m
Level 3
The graph shows the number of families and the number of children in each family in a block of flats.
  1. How many children are there in the whole block of flats?
  2. If 12 of the families who have at least two children move out of the block of flats, how many children are there left in the block of flats?
3 m
Level 3
The table shows the number of Primary 5 pupils in Qihua School who participated in a Math training.
  1. How many Primary 5 pupils did not participate in the training?
  2. What is the enrolment of Primary 5 pupils in Qihua School?
3 m
Level 3
The table shows the favourite games played by three groups of children in the park.
  1. How many children chose 'Hide-and-seek' as their favourite activity?
  2. How many children in Team B chose 'Slides' as their favourite activity?
3 m
Level 3
The table shows the marks Michelle scored in her end of year examinations. Michelle scored an average of 75 marks for the 4 subjects. What is the greatest possible mark that she could have scored for Science?
2 m
Level 3
The table shows the number of pupils who wear glasses in three Primary 5 classes in a school.
  1. How many pupils in the three classes do not wear glasses?
  2. The total number of pupils who wear glasses is the same as the total number of pupils in Class 5C. How many pupils in Class 5A wear glasses?
3 m
Level 3
The table shows Fabian scores in 3 of the 4 games that he played.
Fabian will get a prize if his average score for three of the four games is 25 or more. What is the lowest score Fabian must score in the 4th game in order to get a prize?
2 m
Level 2
The table shows part of a menu at a fast food restaurant. Benny wanted to buy 1 small smoothie and 1 large milk shake. How much more money would he need if he had only six 50-cent coins in his wallet?
3 m
Level 3
The table shows the marks that Andy scored in his Science, English and Chinese tests. Part of the table is covered by an ink blot. The full marks for each test was 100. The average score for his three tests was 76 marks. Find the highest possible marks that Andy scored in his Science test.
2 m
Level 2
The line graph shows the temperature at different times of a day in a city.
  1. At what time was the temperature of the city the highest?
  2. During which 2-hour interval did the temperature decrease by 6°C?
3 m
Level 2
The line graph shows the number of zoo tickets sold from Tuesday to Saturday.
  1. What is the difference between the highest and the lowest number of zoo tickets sold from Tuesday to Saturday?
  2. Between which 2 days did the number of tickets sold increase the greatest? Give your answer in the following format. (Eg Mon to Tue)
3 m
Level 2
The graph shows the number of burgers sold by a fast-food restaurant in a week.
  1. Which day showed a decrease in the number of burgers sold compared to the previous day?
  2. Each burger was sold at $4 each. How much money did the restaurant earn from the total sales on Saturday and Sunday?
3 m
Level 2
The graph shows the number of cars sold by Mr Lee from March to July.
  1. How many cars did Mr Lee sell from May to July?
  2. Mr Lee sold 19 fewer cars in February than in March, how many cars did he sell in February?
3 m
Level 2
The line graph shows the amount of money Joseph spent from January to June.
  1. Of the amount Joseph spent in February, $138 was spent on clothes and the remaining amount was spent on food. How much did he spend on food in February?
  2. In which month did Joseph spend $120 more than the previous month? Give your answer in this format. (Eg Jan)
3 m
Level 2
The line graph shows survey results of the favourite snacks of some children.
  1. How many children took part in the survey?
  2. Which 2 snacks have the same total number of votes as popcorn and candy? Give your answers in numbers. (Eg 1, 2)
3 m
Level 2
The line graph shows the number of chicken wings sold from Monday to Sunday.
  1. On which two days are the increase/decrease the same from their previous day? Answer in short form eg Mon, Tue.
  2. If each chicken wing was sold at $1.20, what was the total amount of money collected on the day with the least sale?
3 m
Level 2
The line graph shows the sale of different types of ice cream in a store in a day.
  1. Which is the most popular type of ice cream? Give the first letter of the answer. (Eg Apple = A)
  2. What is the difference in sales between the most popular and the least popular type of ice cream?
  3. What was the total amount collected from the sale of the ice creams in the day?
3 m
Level 2
The graph shows the income George made when he worked as a banker from January to May.
  1. What was the difference between the highest and lowest income earned by George?
  2. Between which two months was the decrease in George's income the greatest? Give the answer in short form. (Eg Jan, Feb)
3 m
Level 3
Marissa bought a plant that was 5 cm tall. Every morning, she measured the height of the plant and recorded its height for the day. The line graph shows her records.
  1. What was the height of the plant when it was measured on Day 3?
  2. Between which two days was the increase in the height of the plant the greatest? Give the answer in numbers. (Eg 1, 2)
  3. In Day 6, the height of the plant dropped to 35 of Day 4. What is the height of the plant on Day 6?
3 m
Level 1 PSLE
Mr Lim asked some students to choose their favorite colour for a T-shirt. The results are shown in the graph.
  1. What is the ratio of the number of students who chose purple to the number who chose green to the number who chose yellow?
  2. Mr Yip ordered a total of 360 T-shirts in the three colours according to the same ratio in part (a). How many more yellow than purple T-shirts were ordered?
3 m