Level 1 PSLE
Mr Lim asked some students to choose their favorite colour for a T-shirt. The results are shown in the graph.
  1. What is the ratio of the number of students who chose purple to the number who chose green to the number who chose yellow?
  2. Mr Yip ordered a total of 360 T-shirts in the three colours according to the same ratio in part (a). How many more yellow than purple T-shirts were ordered?
3 m
Level 2 PSLE
The bar graphs show the sale of child tickets and adult tickets to a funfair over four days. The scale of the graph for adult tickets is not shown.
  1. How many child tickets were sold in total on Tuesday and Thursday?
  2. The ratio of the number of adult tickets sold on Monday to the total number of tickets sold on that day was 4 : 5. How many adult tickets were sold on Thursday?
3 m
Level 2 PSLE
The bar graph shows the number of storybooks read by a class from January to April. The number of storybooks read is not shown on the scale.
  1. What was the percentage increase in the number of storybooks read from January to February?
  2. The average number of books read in a month from January to April was 25. How many books did the class read in April?
3 m
Level 2
The graph shows the different CCAs a class of pupils participate in.
  1.           pupils join IT Club as a CCA.
  2. There is an equal number of pupils participating in                    and                   .
  3.           more pupils join IT Club than Scouts.
4 m
Level 2 PSLE
Bella bought three types of fruit. The prices are given in the table.
The bar graph shows the number of each type of fruit bought.
  1. What fraction of the fruits Bella bought were mango? Give your answer in the simplest form.
  2. On which type of fruit did Bella spend the most? Give your answer in letter. (Eg Apples = A)
  3. How much did she spend on that type of fruit?
3 m
Level 3 PSLE
Books in a class library are grouped according to the following four types: Riddles, Poetry, Folktale, and Crafts. The bar graph shows the number of books of each type in the class library.
  1. What percentage of books in the class library was of the Folktale type?
  2. There were 38 students in the class. Every student in the class took three or four books home to read over the weekend. No book was left in the classroom. How many students took three books home?
3 m
Level 2 PSLE
The graph shows the number of muffins sold each month by a new bakery from July to December.
  1. How many more muffins were sold in October than in August?
  2. What was the percentage increase in the number of muffins sold in November compared to July?
3 m
Level 3
Study the diagram. Answer the following.
  1. What is the total length of Lace A and B?
  2. How much longer is Lace D than Lace B?
4 m
Level 2 PSLE
A florist sold flowers from 09 00 to 17 00 last Saturday. The line graph shows the total number of flowers sold from 09 00.

  1. At what time had the florist sold half the total number of flowers sold that day?
  2. During which one-hour interval was there no flower sold? Give your answer in the following format (Eg. 09 00 to 10 00)
  3. What was the average number of flowers sold per hour from 11 00 to 16 00?
3 m
Level 2 PSLE
Carlo filled a container with water using two taps. He turned on Tap A first and after 4 minutes, he also turned on Tap B. Both taps were turned off at the same time when the container was completely filled without overflowing. The graph shows the amount of water in the container over 16 minutes.
  1. What fraction of the container was filled 4 minutes after Tap A was turned on? Express your answer in the simplest form.
  2. In one minute, how many litres of water flowed from Tap B?
3 m
Level 2
The graph shows the amount of money Ron saved from his pocket money every month from January to May.
  1. How much money did Ron save altogether from January to May?
  2. What was the average amount of money Ron saved from January to May?
  3. Ron saved $80 in June. The amount saved increased by 100% from June to July and another 100% from July to August. How much money did Ron save in August?
3 m
Level 2
The graph shows the temperature of water in a pot from 08 00 to 08 30.
  1. For how many minutes was the temperature of the water 50°C and below?
  2. During which two 5-minute intervals did the temperature of water decrease at the same rate?
  3. What was the change in temperature per minute from 08 25 to 08 30? Give your answer in °C per minute.
3 m
Level 3
The line graph shows the number of dresses sold by a shop from July to December in 2013.
  1. What was the average number of dresses sold per month from July to December in 2013?
  2. The total number of dresses sold for the same period from July to December in 2012 was 672. Find the percentage decrease in the total number of dresses sold for the same period from 2012 to 2013.
3 m
Level 2 PSLE
The figure shows three boxes A, B and C on a balance scale. The average mass of the three boxes is 250 g. The mass of B is a 2-digit number. What is the smallest possible difference between the mass of A and B?
3 m
Level 3
Four children made the following statements. Winnie : The average of Yoko's mass and my mass is 39 kg. Xtra : I am the heaviest. Yoko : Zane is 2 kg lighter than Xtra. Zane : Our masses are in consecutive order (In running sequence). What is the total mass of Winnie, Xtra and Yoko ?
3 m
Level 2
The bar graph shows the number of patients visiting a clinic during a period of time. The average number of patients visiting the clinic is 8 patients per hour.
  1. Which date is most probably a Sunday?
  2. What is the total number of patients visiting the clinic from 8 October to 12 October?
3 m
Level 3
Sandra bought three types of fruits. The prices are given.
The bar graph shows the mass of each type of fruits Sandra bought.
  1. What fraction of the fruits Sandra bought were cucumber? Give your answer in the simplest form.
  2. Which type of fruits did Sandra spend the most money on? How much did she spend on that fruits? Give your answers in this format. (Eg 1, $1.20)
3 m
Level 3
Farmer Nick has 4 rabbits. The mass of Rabbit G is the same as the average mass of the 4 rabbits. Rabbit H weighs 5 kg less than the average mass of the 4 rabbits. The mass of Rabbit I is 7 kg more than the average mass of the 4 rabbits. The mass of Rabbit J is 34 kg. Find the total mass of the 4 rabbits.
3 m
Level 2
The bar graph shows the number of packets of different food collected in a donation drive.
  1. 15 of the total number of packets of food collected was coffee. How many packets of rice were collected?
  2. The table shows the mass of each packet of food. What is the difference between the total mass of noodles collected and the total mass of biscuits collected? Give your answer in kg.
3 m
Level 3
The mass of 4 children, Mandy, Nellie, Peter and Richie were taken. Only 3 children can be weighed at one time. Mandy, Nellie and Peter weighed a total of 55 kg. Nellie, Peter and Richie weighed a total of 56 kg. Mandy, Peter and Richie weighed a total of 57 kg. Mandy, Nellie, and Richie weighed a total of 60 kg. What is the average mass of the 4 children?
3 m