Level 1
The graph shows the number of story books borrowed from a library over 4 days. What is the total number of story books borrowed from Monday to Thursday?
1 m
Level 1
The graph shows the height of a plant on the last day of each month from January to April. In which month was the greatest increase in the plant's plant's height recorded?
1 m
Level 1
The bar graph shows the amount of money spent by 4 children.
Name the child/children who spent more than $80? Give your answer(s) in number(s). (Eg 1 or 1,2)
1 m
Level 2
Look at the picture graph.
This graph shows the number of postcards 4 children have.
  1. Dora has 3 postcards more than Mel. How many postcards does Dora have?
  2. Fen has 2 postcards less than Jim. How many postcards does Fen draw?
  3. How many postcard do the 4 children have altogether?
4 m
Level 1
The table shows the mass of three girls. What is the total mass of the three girls?
1 m